(Falsettos) Whizzvin - Idek what to title this one-

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Little! Marvin, Caregiver! Whizzer

Feat The Lesbians ofc!!

Kinda wanna write a sequel to this where the babysit him-

"Do we have to?" Marvin asked grumpily. Whizzer rolled his eyes in response.

"Yes. stop being so antisocial." Marvin just pouted and sighed, watching as Whizzer knocked on the door.

Charlotte answered the door with a sigh "Come in, Cordelia is making cookies." Marvin perked up slightly at that.

They went inside and got comfy on the couch, Whizzer made small talk with Charlotte- eventually getting in a conversation about dogs. Marvin just zoned out, leaning against Whizzer and staring at the decor around the room- he had seen it all before, but it just seemed more interesting at this moment.

"Ahh- Oh my gosh- sorry I took so long- I got cookies!" Cordelia smiled walking in, catching Marvin's attention back to the people in the room. Cordelia passed the plate of cookies around and sat down with a sigh, joining in on conversation.

Marvin zoned out again, taking bites of his cookie well averting his eyes to the fabric of his sweater, playing with his sleeve with his free hand. He felt his head get fuzzy, and without realizing it he put his fingers in his mouth, having already finished the cookie.

Whizzer realized the odd look that the other two were giving towards Marvins direction, he looked over and let out a silent gasp- Marvin had slipped. It explained why he didn't want to come over. He shook Marvin's shoulder a bit to get him out of his small trance, the boy looked up in confusion.

"Hey, Buddy." Whizzer said gently, picking Marvin up and placing him on his lap. Marvin held onto his shirt and buried his head in his neck. "How old are ya, Marv?" he asked, Marvin sat up and held out 3 fingers. Cordelia and Charlotte gave each other a confused look.

"What's going on exactly?" Charlotte asked, Whizzer sighed, bouncing Marvin on his knee "Uh- basically he's mentally 3 right now, it's a way to de-stress." the other two nodded in understanding.

Cordelia stood up and smiled lightly, going to crouch down in front of Marvin. "Hi there, Buddy." Marvin looked up and let out a small "hi". Cordelia mentally cooed at him and Whizzer smiled. "Do you two mind if I take him home? I think this may be a little overwhelming"

"Of course not! Do what you need to do!" Cordelia smiled and ruffled Marvins hair. "If you ever need a babysitter- or two, let us know" She smiled as Whizzer sat up with Marvin on his waist. Whizzer smiled back "Thank you"

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