Chapter 16

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The person folds the note and puts it down on the table. "With what do you require our assistance?"

"Our friends are missing," Shufang says.

"Ah, yes," they reply, nodding. "Seo Hyunki and Jung Jaehyun."

"Can you help us get them back?" Yuta asks.

"No," they say, and they don't sound remorseful. "Unfortunately, they are where we need them."

"Can you at least tell us if they're alive?" Yuta presses.

The person hesitates for just a second, and then nods. "They are alive, both of them." They fold their hands on the table. "Is there something else I can help you with?"

"How can I make sure I'm not next?" Shufang asks.

"Keep your head down," they reply. "Don't go looking for trouble."

"How can we do that, when trouble is everywhere?" Yuta asks. "I just want to know what's going on, that's all. Maybe I'd stop finding trouble if I understood." He takes a breath, hoping they'll cut in, but they don't. "Maybe if I understood, I'd be on your side," he lies. "Maybe I could help you."

The person stands so swiftly Yuta almost misses it. The next thing he knows, there's a cold metal blade pressed to his neck. "Do you think you can fool me?" they hiss. "I know you would never join us."

"You don't know anything about me," Yuta protests, focusing on staying very still.

"I know your parents," they say softly. "I've known about you your whole life."

"Please," Shufang says. "We just want to understand."

"We are not on the same side, Zhao Shufang, and you know that." They press the cold steel of their sword closer to Yuta's neck; Shufang tenses with him.

From outside, a muffled voice calls, "Pardon, sir, but it's important."

"Can it wait?" the man snaps, not moving an inch.

"It's—about the botched delivery," the same voice replies, even more hesitant. "We caught him."

"I should kill you both now," the man says quietly to them, but he relaxes, bringing his sword back down to his side. Yuta touches his neck, but it's dry. He didn't even draw blood. "But I can't. Take this," he adds, sliding the folded note back to Shufang. "You didn't get to use it. If you have something legitimate, please feel free to return. Now get out. My people won't kill you, but not everyone here is my people."

"Why are you helping us, then?" Yuta asks as he stands.

"Your father saved my life," the man says. "I'll let you go this once in his honor. Don't waste the chance." He opens a door opposite the direction the voice came from, and shoves them out into the hall. "There's a back exit past the cellars. That way." He points down the dark hallway. "If you're caught, there's nothing I can do." He pauses, then adds, "I do hope you get caught," and slides the door shut sharply.

"C'mon, c'mon." Shufang tugs on Yuta's arm, and he stumbles after her down the hall.

"How will we know where the cellars are?" Yuta asks.

"I don't know," she replies quickly. "Just keep moving. Try not to draw attention. We'll figure it out."

They weave between people; for her size, Shufang is quite agile, and Yuta has to struggle to keep up. He strains for snippets of conversation, anything to tell him what's going on. But he only catches pieces.

"—got his schedule wrong—"

"—the patent on our own?"

"—bot was programmed incorrectly—"

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