Waking Up

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Knock knock knock knock.

My eyes crack open, not recognizing the thumping sound at the door compared to my usual 5 a.m. alarm. I lazily turn over on my side to find the early hours of overcast winter sun coming in through the window next to my bed.

Wait, sun?

"Oh shit," I swear with widened eyes.

I slept in. Shit. Jesse's gonna give me shit the entire fucking day for this.

I throw the blanket off me and shuffle out of bed with an exhausted moan, muttering a fuck as I stumble to the door. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, given the circumstances.

On the other side of the door, I find a smirking Jesse leaning himself up against the frame. He is all ready to go with his backpack, gear, and coat on. His normal wet, black hair I saw at the break of dawn each day is completely dry.


"Mornin'!" he chirps.

He's always so perky in the morning. Have to ask what his secret is. Coffee, cocaine... maybe a combo of both?

"Sorry, I totally overslept. Just give me a minute and I'll get dressed," I raise my hands in defeat, hopefully sparing myself from the potential lecture I am going to get from him.

He gives me a curious look, peering in, "I heard you had quite a night after I left."

My whole body freezes up. Last night flashes through my mind with a jarring transition. The warm glow of the lights above us, the sound of a banjo and violin playing in harmony over the speakers, and Dina's lips pressed against mine. I practically lose my breath. I still can't believe that happened. And Seth... fuck.


Jesse stands there, hanging onto my stunned gaze and awaiting my answer. My heart sinks further and further with each passing second. I didn't mean for this. 

"She kissed me," I manage to say. "It was just Dina being Dina. She didn't mean anything by it."

He cocks an eyebrow at me, "I was... talking about your fight with Seth. Wait... you kissed Dina?"

Fuck. Digging myself in deeper. Good going, Ellie.

"Oh. I thought that's—"

His tone rises, "We're broken up one week and you make a move on my girl?"

"No," I deny, crossing my arms across my chest. "She was just probably trying to make you jealous. I didn't—I would never—"

He doesn't say anything and is seemingly amused that I wasn't explaining myself very well as the smirk returned to his face. It wasn't often someone could stump me like this. I just would've guessed one of his stupid patrol buddies would've told him by now since they're a such bunch of fucking busybodies. I rock back and forth on my heels, looking down at the ground.

"Fuck, this is awkward."

Jesse smiles and his form relaxes, "I'm messin' with you, man. I don't care. Get dressed."

"You're the worst," I insult him, letting out a sigh as a wave of relief washes over me. I swing the door shut but Jesse stops it by planting his hand on it.

He leans in, in all seriousness, "It's kind of fucked up you did that."

I scoff and slam the door fully in his face. As I walk across the room to my desk to retrieve my coat and backpack, I lift an arm and smell the fabric of my sweatshirt. I am sporting the same clothes from yesterday, not bothering to change when I crawled into bed last night. Besides, vanity is the least of my concern when going out on patrol. 

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