Patrol, Pt. II

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I follow Dina and pull out my rifle as we cautiously explore the perimeter, being on guard for anything nearby. The messy trail of footprints and blood leads into a nearby building. As we near it, the sounds of Infected could be heard inside it. My eyebrows furrow.

"Shit," Dina says. I crouch down and focus my listening. I can hear at least three. "How the fuck did they get in there?"

"More importantly, how do we get in there?"

I walk along the outside of the building until I find a window that's been broken through with dried blood dripping from it.

"Dina, this way."

I jump inside and turn on my flashlight. There is something definitely in here with us as I can hear what sounds to be a runner eating something. I peer out from behind the tall shelf Dina and I are behind to find just one. My eyes scour the room, making sure it's the only one, before I slowly and quietly trail up behind it and take it out. The thing is so busy feasting that it doesn't think to turn around.

I jump it from behind and wrap my left arm and hand around its head and pull out my switchblade. I swiftly shove the blade through its neck and it gags, flailing its arms about. Using my knee, I gently lower it to the ground and rip my knife out, severing the artery completely. The sounds of blood gushing fills my ears as the runner stops its movements.

"It's down," I call to Dina, who walks out from behind the shelf.

"That's one. Let's see if we can get around to the back of the supermarket."

A supermarket? This is what this was?

"Good idea."

After looting for supplies, I find a door that's barricaded by something on the other side. I push my body weight into it and it opens enough for me to just squeeze through. I manage to do so and fall to the ground, causing the items that were on the barricade to fall to the floor noisily. A runner appears from across the room, whipping its head over to me as it shouts with excitement.

"Oh shit!"

Being as stingy with my ammo and saving it for when I actually need it, my eyes scan the floor for something I can use as the runner sprints towards me. An old glass bottle rolls towards me, as if on cue. I throw it at the runner, which is less than a foot away from me. It staggers back with pain, groaning as the shards of glass pierce its skin on its face. I take this opportunity to strike it again, but this time with my switchblade. I stab the fucker through the ear, and it drops to the floor immediately. Blood spatters my army coat. It twitches a few times and it stops moving.

"You good?" Dina asks from behind me. I clean off my blade and shove it into my back pocket again.


"Nice throw, by the way."


"The way we came in was barricaded," she says with confusion laced in her voice. I scavenge the drawers, turning on my flashlight once more. This is another office-like area with printers and cork board of the like. "How'd that runner get in here?"

"Yeah, that's a good question."

The drawers and cabinets open with a rusty sound. They unveil some benefit though, as I find some bullets as well as a few parts.

"What's the most Infected you've ever taken down on patrol?" Dina inquires, looking for supplies herself with her gun drawn. I think for a moment, but a particular patrol that comes to mind has always stood out to me for a variety of reasons.

The Last of Us Part IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora