To be okay

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Tbh I feel like this chapter ended up being like...a filler chapter from Naruto 😅😅

On the other hand, I think that this chapter makes Lucas give an important step in his condition and mental health and kinda explains the feelings of the others sooo yes.

Also, I very well know that eating disorders and other mental health issues don't appear from one day to another and that anxiety attacks like the one portrayed in the previous chapter don't just appear from thin air and I understand how someone could think that that is what is happening here but it's not. The story begins almost 2 months after constantly receiving hate comments and death threats etc so his mental health already deteriorated by that point, so that's why his emotions are so intense from the begging of the story. Yeah, just wanted to clear that


Enjoy 😊😊


Taemin and Kai were walking through the white halls of the company, just coming out of a meeting for Kai's solo and Taemin's most recent album when they heard it, a horrible sobbing sound coming from inside the bathroom, they stopped in their tracks, holding their breaths for a second before Taeming quickly rushed towards the inside of the white room.

There, he found his dongsaeng. He was sitting in an awkward position, his head was hanging backwards, resting on the wall, skin looking as pale as the white wall behind him.

Taemin stood there, frozen at the sight. An awful smell filled his nostrils, and he felt a soft tap on his shoulder coming from Kai and, before he noticed, his legs were moving. In a matter of seconds, he was crouching beside the unconscious boy.

Kai dialled Ten's number, this being the only phone number he had from one of the WayV boys other than Lucas's which for obvious reasons, wasn't very useful in that situation.

"Kai-hyung?" Ten's voice resonated across the white room, Kai being on speaker so that Taemin could also listen to the conversation.

Kai could tell that Ten was panicked, his breath ragged, his tone frantic. "Hyung I can't talk right now, I'll call you later," the younger said, making his panic even more noticeable. Taemin looked in his direction, a worried expression decorating his face, afraid that if Ten hung up, Kai would have to leave them to go look for the WayV members.

"No, no wait! We are with Lucas," at this, the heavy breathing from the other side of the line stopped briefly.

"Where?" was all Ten said, voice croaky. Kai would've cared about the lack of manners of the boy if it wasn't for the fact that he was in the company's bathroom with a slightly panicked Taemin and an unconscious Lucas.

"The bathroom on the second floor, the one that's close to the meeting rooms," he said, and seconds later, a loud beep was heard across the line, signalling the end of the call.

He put his phone in his pocket and kneeled next to Taemin, his knees touching the cold tile floor beneath them. He placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder as he examined Lucas's unmoving body.

"He isn't waking up Kai," Taemin said, fear clear in his voice. Kai could see the tension on his friend's shoulders, his brows furrowed, his lips pursed in a straight line. Seeing his friend so scared terrified him and soon, he felt his heart pounding hard against his ribs, the sound resonating in his ears and his hands shaking.

Then, he realised, he wasn't there to feel scared, he wasn't there for his hands to shake, for his eyes to water, he was there to support Taemin, to carry Lucas out of that dirty, little room and to be strong.

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