Chapter 1

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A/N: The first chapter will be fairly short so bear with me, please.

No one's POV

Jimin was laying in his bed sleeping peacefully as the sun shines past his curtains filling parts of the room with the warm light, but the peace was quickly cut short when Jimins alarm went off. Jimin groans as the alarm beep in his ear, He sits up and turns off his alarm. "Mmm" he groans as he stretches his arm hearing a satisfying popping sound "Better get ready for work," he says as he slides off the bed and heads for the bathroom.

As Jimin was freshening up he grabs a sweater and some black jeans and extra clothes to change into since he has some errands to do after work. Once he had all his things set he walks to the living room to see his pet cat Zephy.

"Hey there Zephy daddy is going to be a bit late, okay? I promise I will bring you a treat back" Jimin says as he scratches Zephy's chin

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"Hey there Zephy daddy is going to be a bit late, okay? I promise I will bring you a treat back" Jimin says as he scratches Zephy's chin. He receives a small mew as a response he takes that as an ok. Jimin goes to the kitchen and makes himself some breakfast. While eating his phone buzzes and sees that's Tae texted him.


Tae- Hey Jimine!           
Me- Hey Hyung, how's it going?

Tae- Mmmm Nothing much really
work has been kinda boring lol

Me- Awwwww poor Hyung you want me to stop by? :((

Tae- Nahhh you don't have to hows work
any alphas harassing you????

Me- Hehe no Hyung everything is fine I have Yoongi remember?

Tae- I do, I just want my brother to be safe 
anyways I have to go now I can stop 
by okay?


Me- Okay bye, Hyung!!! 

I sigh as I put my Phone away Tae has always been like this since I presented as an Omega, I looked at the times and sigh once more "I guess I better get going" I mumble as a walk out of my door locking it behind me, and I start walking to work. The cafe is fairly close so I don't need to walk far. After a short walk, a make it to the cafe with the smell of coffee hitting my nose and a cool breeze. 

"Good morning Yoongs!" I yell seeing Yoongi behind the counter whipping it down. "Aish Jimin i told you not to call me that it's embarrassing," He says glaring at me, I couldn't help but giggle at him I love teasing him.

"Anyways do you think you can drive me to the bank after our shift?" I asked as I put on my apron standing next to him. He looks at me for a second then back at the counter as he finishes cleaning it "Yeah sure but you owe me one" Yoongi mumbled, I couldn't help but smile at him "Thank you Yoongi!" I said cheerily "Mhm sure now get ready for work alright?" Yoongi said grumbled as he walked to the back probably to put the cleaning supplies away. I let out a sigh as I get ready for the customers to come in.

Time skip

I groan as I stretch my arms it was a pretty busy day but everything went smoothly thank god, all I need to do is go to the bank take out some money and I can go home and relax. As I take off my apron and put on the extra clothes a brought with me are an oversized sweater and skinny jeans. 

"Yoongi are you ready to go?" I ask as I walk towards the from of the door. "Yep, I'm coming," He says as he jogs out the door me following close behind him locking the cafe doors behind us. It's currently 7:30 PM the bank closes at 10 PM so we have enough time. We walk to Yoongis care as I get in the passenger seat and he gets in the driver seat. "It shouldn't be long after we leave we can get dinner on me okay?" I tell me, and I get a nod and hum as a response. 

After we made it to the bank we get out of the car and walk in there weren't as many people as there usually is since its a bit late. "I'll sit over there" Yoongi says as he pointed towards the chairs in a corner not too far from where the bankers are so he can keep a good watch on me "Alright Yoongi this should take long anyways,"  I say with a smile.

No One's POV

Yoongi chuckles at Jimins cuteness and ruffles his hair "Aiish Yoongi stop it!" Jimin yelled as his face turned a slight red with embarrassment. "Hehe whatever just hurry so we can go and eat," Yoongi said with a chuckle as he walked towards the seats. Jimin rolled his eyes as he went towards the line. 

It wasn't long before Jimin was at the front, he was talking to the banker requesting to take out 15,000 yen (Around 130 USD). Just as he was about to receive his money the bank doors burst open causing everyone to look at the doors to see 4 men standing at the door wearing masks. Yoongi quickly got up to try and get Jimin but stopped when one of the men started to yell "All right everyone get your asses on the ground now!!" A deep voice was heard obviously alpha this cause Jimin to whimper a bit and followed his orders along with everyone else in the building.

Out of the corner of Jimin's eyes, he could see Yoongi look at him worriedly as the poor omega was shaking in fear on the ground as tears threaten to fall put his eye 'I don't wanna die' Jimin thought to himself as he looks around as the men were yelling with there guns pointed at people. As he looked at each man he stopped at one particular man he didn't understand why but he seemed to be drawn by him it was then that the man-made eye contact with Jimin it was then something happened that made everything stop.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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