safe house / day 1

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omg u made it to the second chapter come get ur kithhh


'I don't see why I have to do this! I'll be perfectly fi-' Taehyung shouted on the phone but the firm voice at the other end of the line cut him off with a blunt,
'Just pack some clothes, enough for a couple of days. You'll be transferred at midnight.'

'What do you-'

And the phone disconnected, leaving him standing there confused, with ninety percent of his wardrobe lying in a huge pile on his bed in front of him.

What do you mean 'a couple of days'?
What type of clothes?

This was too hard, he couldn't just 'pack some clothes' for 'a couple of days' and leave not knowing where he was going or when they were gonna let him come back.

Was this even allowed?
Should he be calling a lawyer or something?

'UGHH!' he groaned in anger, collapsing on top of his clothes, 'I hope they're doing the same to Jungkook or whatever his name is too!'


They were.

Across the city, at about 11 pm, around the time the traffic on the main streets had started dispersing and only the twinkling lights of the skyscrapers were the night's companion- Jungkook was sitting on the bed with his bag neatly packed by his side, counting minutes till midnight.

It had been a strained, long evening which was only going to extend into an even longer night but Jungkook had kept his calm.
He was terrified beyond imagination but he'd kept his calm- packing only those things which were absolutely necessary, not making a fuss about not knowing how much closet space he'd be getting, not asking questions.

The only thing he just wished he could get to do was say goodbye to his boyfriend and his brother before he left, to convey the entirety of the situation to them somehow but he knew it was dangerous.

This was serious- their situation- his and Taehyung's.

'Do not contact anyone because you'll be putting both yours and their life in danger.' The officer from the police station had said earlier, warning him.

I just hope Taehyung doesn't do anything stupid either.



An old black Hyundai with tinted mirrors had come to pick them up at their doorsteps at the stroke of midnight sharp and ever since getting into it two hours ago, they'd been sitting on the backseat in complete and total silence.

It didn't start out like that, though.

Taehyung had initially attempted to chat up the driver, hoping he'd get some information out of him but that man's blank expressions had scared the living shit out of him.

He'd conversed Jungkook up too, about basic things- "Do you know where we're going?" "How long do you think it's gonna take?" "What all did they tell you?" "What kind of clothes did you pack?"- but the boy's one word replies and obvious lack of interest discouraged Taehyung so he resorted to looking out the window for the rest of this godforsaken trip.

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