Chapter 8

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I sat quietly in the lounge in my pink onzie flicking the channels. I had left Leo like an hour ago and he hasn't come back- he probably stayed with Bella I mean why should it bother me? But the worst part it does. Suddenly the door flung open and laughter filled the house.
"Looks like Leo and Carz aren't back" Sky said
" Maybes Leo finally hit it off"
Sky just giggled as they both walked into the lounge.
"Oh! Hi Carz where's Leo?"Sky looked at me that's what made my eyes well up but I didn't cry" OMG BABY WHAT HAPPENED?"

"He first made me wait like 20 minutes then he brought along HER!"I wailed

"Who's her?" She peered at me

"BELLA THAT MEAN,PRETTY FACED,RICH,Perfect princess" my voice got softer at the end.

"I'm sorry on Leo's behalf he's a pain, he's annoying, he's vain, he's and idiot but he loves you"Charlie finished

"No he doesn't he has a girlfriend" I replied

"you have a crush on Leo don't you?"Sky asked

"I've never thought of it in that way" I looked to the ground" I don't wanna be hurt again" I muttered under my breath

After a long pause I spoke up

"Which rooms?"

They both looked at eachother "We'll go together cuz it looks like you and Leo need to talk" Sky smirked

"Okay, G'dnight" I said before cocooning myself in the duvet

1 hour later I heard shuffling downstairs so I stood at the top of the banister.

"Leo you're so funny" Bella swatted

"Thanks I had an amazing time!" Leo replied he's too nice!

"We should make it our tradition! But this time No nonsense with that b****"

"Who?" Leo looked confused


"Oh yeh such a cow"he scratched his neck

Leo! No

"Who's house is this?"Bella peered around

"Umm Caraghs"

"Urrgghh" she said pulling out hand sanitizer and squirting it on both Leo and her hands"shame you could have fun at my house" she winked and pulled Leos hand

"Listen I have to stay and talk to Carz but I'll text you okay?" He went in for a hug but



I quickly went back to bed because I couldn't watch.

After a couple more minutes I heard the door slam.

"Carz are you awake?"


Luckily I was facing the opposite side to the way Leo came in so he didn't see my eyes wide open, the tears rolling down my face and the pain I was in
After a while I heard him sigh and lay on the floor but before he went to bed he said something I wanted to here from him.

"I love you"

I whispered so he couldn't hear
"I love you too"and after that I fell right asleep.



I woke up with the sun in my eyes and my first thought Caragh. I needed to talk. Maybe if I wake her up now we can go and talk somewhere private- WHERE IS SHE?! Then I looked at the clock 11:39!? She's probably eating breakfast downstairs with the others so I got dressed into a black t-shirt with skinny jeans and went downstairs

Bars and MelodyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora