Chapter 12

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I actually crave her right now it's been weeks since she lost her memory, I've not eaten,slept or even spoken since its like a piece of me has been torn out and thrown away.
I walked to school with Charlie and Sky, Sky had her headphones plugged in, Charlie just looked around and I hung my head low. As soon as we got to the gates they were there Sophia,Tia,Bella and of course Caragh she had her hair in a waterfall braid and I wanted so badly to tell her how good she looks but I just can't and to be honest Michelle isn't doing to well she's losing the will to live her small body can't hold her anymore so Caragh better remember quickly.


The strangers walked past again and all they ever do is look me up and down when they see me especially the brunette he's quite good looking not going to lie.
"You checking Leo out?" Bella nudged me
"No" I lied
"Good because he likes me"she smiled
"But he gives you disgusted looks" I Pointed out
"Well our relationship is basically a secret"she sighed- Poor Bella!
"Why?" I was curious
"Our love is not allowed" she looked like she was going to cry
"Like a modern day Romeo and Juliet" I giggled as she giggled with me
"Lets go to lessons" she smugly smiled at me
"Okay" I closely followed behind


"Last lesson babe" I said to Bella
"Yeh whatever" she mumbled " hey Caragh if you ever talk to Leo I'm going to kill you"she said
"Ahah"I chuckled nervously


Strangely it was the same routine every week the strangers wait outside my last lesson and try to talk to me but Bella pulls me away see that's what a best friend does. That night I got into bed

What did everyone mean by remember

What should I remember

Will I ever remember

Then I finally drifted off into my own world.....

Bars and MelodyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora