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life is crazy, isn't it? one minute you are starting your first day of kindergarten without a care in the world and the next you find out that ghosts actually exist. let's start from the beginning, shall we?

in this day and age, growing up is never easy. especially for the morales kids. at the ages of nine and eleven, violet and ritchie were involved in a car accident along with their parents. sadly, their parents didn't make it. it hit the two pretty hard but for violet, it was too much for her to handle. too much that she decided the best thing to do was to shut the whole world out.

to violet, her mother was her best friend. a woman who cared so much for her little girl that they were never apart. they were a mother-daughter duo not to be messed. a bond that could never be broken. the first person to fully understand her, even if she was only ten. the two were always together making memories that would last forever. memories that were precious and held close to dear violet's heart. her mother was her comfort.

she was her home. and her dad was the only man she could ever count on. well, besides her brother of course. even though she wasn't as close to him as her brother was, she still had a meaningful relationship with the second person that understood her. after her parents had passed, all she could feel was loneliness, fear, and sadness. it was as if all the happiness in her life was taken, when in reality... it was.

as the young girl grew up, she never allowed herself to get attached to anyone. she was too afraid that if she let anyone in, they would be gone just as fast as her parents were taken away from her and her brother.

she didn't want people to worry about her and her problems that she was going through. violet didn't want to burden anyone with the constant fear of making sure her panic attacks didn't go too far. or make sure that when she had her darkest days, she didn't slip and do something she'd regret later on. or even stay by her side when she wasn't able to sleep for the fifth night in a row. she didn't want to be a problem for anyone, thus resulting in keeping her problems hidden and closed off from the rest of the word, including her brother as well as her next-door neighbor and best friend julie molina.

the two girls became best friends back in elementary school. what made it even better was that their moms were also close friends when they were younger. it was playdates galore and many disney princess sing-a-long parties. after the passing of her mother, julie and her mom were there for her every day, along with julie's dad who helped look out for ritchie as their tia was getting settled into the house and become the kids' guardian. in a way, their life had almost become full again. that was until julie lost her mom a year ago and the two girls grew distant.

it upset violet, that her best friend ended up feeling a small fraction of what she had been feeling for most of her life. she wanted to make all the pain go away for julie and her family. but, sadly, the girl couldn't. because she also felt like she was losing her mother all over again. violet had grown really close with julies mother.

yes, she had told herself not to get so attached to someone else but she eventually gave up due to feeling, in a way, at home again whenever she was at the molina household. she had become a second mother to her, and she couldn't feel happier. heck, even ray felt like a second dad to her and her brother the way he was taking care of them when their tia was working.

she had also let herself grow attached to julie. she was a sister to her. julie would also be a sister to her. she would always try to get violet to open up about her problems but she would never budge. soon she gave in to the curly-haired-girls smile and warmth that she let everything out on a rainy day back in the seventh grade.

from then on, julie knew all of her troubles. her darkest secrets and deepest fears. that made their friendship stronger. but after julie losing her mom, she didn't come around the girl a lot. at first, it didn't bother violet. she knew that her friend was grieving. that was until she noticed that julie wasn't singing anymore like she used to. she stopped songwriting. her smile had faded. violet was afraid that julie was becoming like her.

so she took it upon herself to check on the molina girl that lived next door. and when she did, it was one of the best decisions she had made in a very long time. the two talked it out and eventually got their friendship back on track. it made ray happy to see his two girls talking and getting along like old times.

in a way, violet was still guarded. not showing all of her emotions at once. she didn't worry julie with her recent panic attack episodes and her lack of sleep for the past two weeks. she wanted everything to be with her friend again. and the only way to do that was to not concern julie even more with her problems.

things were starting to go back to normal for violet. normal as her life can get really. or so she thinks. who knew that three ghosts could create so much drama and help her feel... at home again?

word count: 1025

[𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐧𝐚𝐭:]

for the longest, i was thinking if i should write this book or not... so here we are lol

hope you guys like it so far <3

let me know how your day is going at whatever time you read this :)

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