meeting the class

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Today is your first day of school and you're really excited to meet everyone and make new friends you open the door and see a big group of kids waiting for you on the other side everyone greets you with a nice warm hello and you say hi back *mr. Aizawa gets into his sleeping bag and plops on the floor* you being confused in all you asked: is he okay and does he need to go to the nurse? Uraraka: this nurse is midorya's second home! Midorya: uraraka! Jeez Everyone replies with a: oh him he's fine that's just a weird thing he does! Iida: says okay guys we said hello now we should get into our seats class starts in five minutes denki: lida stop being such a sour puss kirishima: hey baku bro your not gonna call y/n an extra? Bakugo: shut up shity hair! y/n well were should i sit? Mineta: you could sit infront of me y/n the girls: we will take her you pervert! Mina: sit next to me y/n you: okay *you sit in your seat and watch a note being passed around the class until finally it gets to you* you read the front witch says: *to y/n by todroki* *you open it and it reads*: hey y/n i know your new so i was thinking maybe i could show you around the school and dorms so what do you think? *Then you notice that todoroki was in the back with his hand on his neck when everyone greeted you and he looked pretty shy but also cute* *there where two check Boxes one for yes and one for no you turn around to check if todroki saw you reading his note and you see him smiling his smile is one of the cutes things so you couldn't resist smiling back but you did not know what to say so you choose to talk  to him after class about the note after class* you catch up to him and say: hey shoto oh sorry is it ok for me to call you that? Todoroki: oh um sure i don't mind it you: ok well shoto i would love to but this week i really need to study and catch up with my work so is next monday okay? Todoroki: no problem *you and todoroki walk your Separate *Ways you don't know where your dorm is so you ask one of the girls to show you everyone says that they're really busy and they don't really know where it is but midoriya volunteers to show you* midoriya: I can show you it's right next to cachan's room y/n thanks midorya oh its no problem * you guys head to your dorm you get all settled in and midoriya slips a note on your desk asking if you would like to go on a date sometime next week then he goes to his dorm you see the note read it then plop on your bed because you know you will have to let midorya down softly like shoto but softer because midorya is obviously more soft then shoto*
Mean while: * in bakugo's dorm bakugo midorya todoroki and kirishima play truth or dear* midorya: ok guys truth or dear everyone:DEAR! midorya: ok so who are you guys crushes on 3 1...2...3! Todroki bakugo midorya: Y/N kirishima: MINA! Everyone... Bakugo: I'm going to kill you Deku and Icy Hot how dare you like a girl that cute midoriya: shes mine cachan im done with your shit I've been putting up with you for all these years and i can't even get one girl todoroki:sorry guys and midorya for all of your childhood trauma caused by bakugou but She's Mine kirishima: okay guys lets just get back to the game ok? Everyone: fine kirishima: okay so bakugo truth or dare? Bakugo: dare kirishima: go tell y/n you like her *you hair a soft knock at your door and answer it and you see bakugou standing at your door* he says: hey y/n *in a whisper voice* I think you're cute and I like you I MEAN CAN I BROW A PEN! Bakugo's whisper didn't work you still heard what he said but you can obviously see that he's embarrassed and was not into being sappy so you just say: yes sure just make sure you bring it back because it's my favorite one he says: ok teddy bear I MEAN! You:ok bakugo you're Whispering did not work I heard you the first time you like me but I just got here today and I need to focus on school and there's two other boys that like me not just you it's just too much today I really like you guys you midoriya and Todoroki sound like really sweet guys but I just can't focus on a relationship right now I'm sorry bakugo: its okay i understand...*bakugo leave's you: i hope i was not to hard on him i feel bad ... *bakugo gets back to his dorm and reads his fan fiction grabs his stuffed teddy bear cuddles with it and goes to bed*...
                     To be continued

todoroki midorya and bakugo x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now