Chapter 3: Game

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Luffy walk inside the room and went to his seat he lean his head to the table and take a nap a bit but was stop by a girl who has a golden snake earrings.

"Good morning luffy~" she greeted blushing

"Oh,good morning hancock!" He greeted back plastered a wide grin on his face

"Kyaaah~" she yelled falling dramatically "onii-san!!" Her two sisters shouted trying to catch her from falling

Luffy just laugh at them the teacher then walk in the classroom making the students walk to their respective seats and the lesson started.


It was finally lunch break,luffy went to the cafeteria he saw Usopp wave at him luffy head towards them and sat next to zoro grabbing some meat on Ussop's plate.

"Oi!" Usopp shouted

"Shishishi" luffy laughed devouring the meat

"Fufufu lively as ever aren't you captain-san " luffy just smiled at robin eating another piece of meat robin just chuckle at him

"OHHHHH ROBIN-CHWAN NAMI-CHWAN YOU TWO LOOK WONDERFUL AS EVER!!~~~" Sanji shouted as his eyes form into a shape of heart doing his noddle dance

"Shut up ero-cook your so noisy" Zoro said

"Huh?! What was that you stupid-marimo!" Sanji said

"Did got deaf from your shouting huh dart brow?!" Zoro said

"Shitty swordsman!"

"Love cook!"

Before they get into a fight nami punch the both of them making a bump on their head Nami sighed and look at luffy with a slight smirk on her face.

"Luffy do you wanna play a game?" Nami said gaining the attention of the group.

"Is there going to be a meat in there?" Luffy asked grabbing another meat.

"If you play then I'll give you 20 of it" Nami mentioned.

"I've got a bad feeling about this" Zoro said eating his food.

"Me too "both chopper and usopp said looking at nami who's grinning evily

"Fine, what is it anyway" luffy asked making nami's grin wide more

"Nami's scary" chopper said hugging Usopp who's also scared

"I know" Usopp gulp hugging chopper back

"Simple, Truth or Dare?" Nami said

"Hmm I guess truth won't be that bad" luffy replied

"Then tell are secretly dating someone in the school and without telling us" Nami stated waiting for luffy to say something this made the group get curios about what he'll say they know when luffy lie to them

"Hey nami can I get dare instead I don't get what you mean " luffy said not looking at them who is currently blushing that didn't go unnoticed by them

The group gasp at luffy's reaction while nami just smirk

"Oi luffy how could you not say about thi-" before zoro could finish what his saying he was stopped by nami who shush him with her hand. Robin was liking it while the others are still trying to process something

"Since you changed your mind then I dare you to kiss law" Nami then took out her phone

Luffy's was now blushing madly

"WHAT IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL NO WAY!!" Luffy shouted still flushed that made the student's look at them

"Fine just the two of you then but I'll be there for evidence" Nami said

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