Chapter 12

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Yo! Minna-san! Sorry for the late upload I actually forgot to finish this chapter and I was busy with.... stuff(Games) Ahaha, My bad and I decided to not continue the shit I did last time since it'll be cringe af, plus I did law so wrong :< ~GhUrL YoU dID Me WrOnG, yOu dId mE wRo-O-o-OnG~ sorry Imma stop now. Let's move on with the story :>

Luffy's POV

(I did some POV's on the character at chapter.... I don't know, I forgot, so I'm going to do it again.)

I slowly opened my eyes observing the area,as I remembered it, This is torao's room. I look up at the clock, It was 11 and almost 12.

"Ugh" I softly groan, I don't want to wake up traffy at this late hour.

I look at my wrist then my arms having a little red trace, maybe because of the cuffs and ropes what torao used but it didn't hurt, to be honest it was actually good using toys for sometimes.

(I don't really know since I have never seen it[in real life]...... It surely means I'm still innocent...right?)

I turned my gaze back at my boyfriend, peacefully sleeping while there was a little drool on his mouth making me giggled.

'He sleep like a baby' I thought and touched his cheek as my thumb caresses it back and forth, I kissed his chin feeling his little beard.

I cocked my head into his neck smelling his scent then gaze into his tattooed chest and traced it with my index finger. Even though it wasn't allowed for us students to have tattoos yet torao didn't listened and still got one, he has two tattoos, One on the back and One in the front. He told me that, once he's going to graduate he'll do his hand and arms too, I wonder what kind of sick tattoo he'll put into it.

I grab my phone and to my surprise I only saw One message from Sabo, I was actually expecting like 50 or 100 but whatever at least they aren't worried, I opened it and read the message.

'Dragon-san wants to meet us all at our house tomorrow at 8 o'clock, also trafalgar better not did anything to you in there... Bye, Love you~'

'Wait... He knew I was with traffy?!' Well it was also a good thing they didn't come here and burst into his apartment, not like they knew where he live anyway.

Somehow I Felt shivers going through my body as I thought on tomorrow's meeting were going to have, I shrug the thoughts and turned off my phone and drifted back to sleep going to my dreamland, full of meat and other foods.


No One's POV

Law keep glancing at his shaking lover and that hit him with concern, Maybe he really had done it last night. He sighed and park the car near the house.

"Luffy-ya did I perhaps scared you?, I'm sorry I won't force you anymore if you say that you dont want-" A finger then shush him and stopped blabbing.

"What are you saying torao?" He asked removing his finger.

"Because you've been shaking since this morning and I thought I hurt you somewhere or perhaps I just scared you." He questioned himself at the last part while Luffy blink then gave him a chuckle.

"I'm not, I actually enjoyed how we did it last night, using those weren't bad as I thought it would be." He said a blush crept at his cheeks as he smiled. It help couldn't but made his boyfriend drawn a little smile on his mouth.

"Then what's wrong, you've been acting weird" Luffy looked down seems like he didn't actually manage to shrugged the thought that night.

"Luffy-ya?" He spoke in a very gentle tone.

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