Chapter One:

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Hi, my name is Lacey I am 23 years old. I have long black hair with 3 blue streaks, 2 one one side 1 on the other with piercing blue eyes. I have 3 tattoos and 4 piercings, I wear black mostly and dark makeup so many people are scared of me because of how I look. So I don't get too much trouble from people.

When I was 15 my mother's then boyfriend, Jonathon picked me up from school and brought me to the beach, and I didn't know at the time but that night he tried to rape me. He failed and got arrested when a person's dog ran up me and the owner called the police and he went to jail.  

I went into a downward spiral and started to cut to release the pain, but not where people could see. One day I was just laying listening to the local rock station when a new band called Motionless In White came on and for some reason it made me feel more alive and like I wasn't alone. I got up from bed and searched on YouTube for more of their music and soon I was feeling better. I would listen to them whenever I felt like cutting and soon I stopped all together and threw my razors out all together. About 2 months after that I started attending self defense classes to boost up my confidence and protect myself.

Anyway, today is my 23rd birthday and mom bought me VIP tickets to Motionless IN White . It was also the first day of the new school year.


I woke with a start as MONSTER by Skillet blasted from my cellphone. I flung myself back down into my pillows grunting. I lay there for a couple seconds then got up. I hate mornings but I was really happy this morning because tonight was going to be amazing! I jump up and dance around the room, running into the lamp and danced with it so it didn't fall and wake anyone up.

I went to my dresser and grabbed my favorite thong/bra sets. Closing that drawer and opened my chest by my bed and grabbed my favorite pair of black ripped skinny jeans and went to my closet grabbing my black tank top with the blue stars on the sides and fishnet over top. 

I went into my bathroom and started my shower, getting in and washing up. Gently singing MIW songs. After I was done with my shower, dried off and got dressed. I did my makeup first adding my black eye liner and then my blue eye shadow adding some sparkly blue over it. When I was happy with how I looked I started on my hair. I straightened it and teased up up just enough to add some volume and bounce. 

When I was satisfied with my whole appearance I left my bathroom and went back into my bedroom and grabbed my supplies and put them in my black bag with silver stars and red skulls. I sat on my bed and put in my headphones as I began to draw. I was almost done with my drawing when my cell went off notifying me that I had 10 minutes until my best friend Patrik would be here. I quickly finished my picture and posted it on my instagram:

@LaceysDemons "New drawing for @miwband tonight Can't wait to meet them, its gonna be fuckin amazing! Best birthday gift ever Only thing that would make it more epic is if they let me come with them on tour aha (doubtful though sadly) but one can hope aye aha!"

My cell went off and I saw that Patrik was waiting outside, I grabbed my things and ran down stairs after I grabbed a monster from my fridge. Once I got in his car, he said "Wow! You look really sexy today Lacey Cakes! If I wasn't gay I'd tap that because daaayyyum girlll!!" He said in a singsong voice and I couldn't help but crack up. "oh thank you babe, same for you Paddycake." I said patting his thigh. As he drove we blasted MIW, Chris's voice making me feel more at ease. I must of ended up doing off because when I opened my eyes Patrik's vivid greens were looking at me intensely.

"Damn Paddy careful you might burn a hole through me staring like that!" I said pretending to be offended waving my hand. We got outs d walked into school holding hands, everyone thought we were a thing, no one knew he was gay and I was happy for that because he would get so much shit. We walk into the halls and go to our lockers that were 7 apart and his was on the opposite wall. As I put my bag in Gregory. The school bully showed up starting his shit. . . But it wasn't with me, it was with Paddy.

"Hey emo fag! The fuck are you doing in MY hallways!? Get the fuck out of here you disgrace!" I turned around in time to see him hit Patrik and I snapped. "Yo Gregory. Why dont you fuck off you pathetic fuck! Patrik did not do a god damn thing to you so why dont you pick on someone your own size mother fucker?!" He slowly turned around chuckling "Like you would do anything you emo slut! Why dont you go and fuck someone and leave me to the adult games." He then turned around to hit my best friend again and I grabbed his shoulder tightly pissed off "I SAID LEAVE HIM ALONE GREGORY!" he ignored me and hit Paddy and I lost my shit and turned him around punched him in his jaw and while he was grabbing his jaw in pain I held his shoulders and kneed him in his crotch and round house kicked him so hard in the stomach that he slid across the hall into the lockers.

When he didn't get up I went back to my locker grabbed my bag. Walking up to him I said "Let this be your lesson Gregory, do NOT fuck with me OR my friends again. Do you understand me?!" I growled. He was shaking clearly scared as he stuttered "Yes m-ma'am... I w-won't do it a-again..." I turned away "Good boy" I said in a dark tone before taking paddy under my arm and walking away.

I stayed with Patrik all day as we have all the same classes. It is now 2:30pm and we were back in his Camaro headed home to get ready for the concert.

It was about 4:15pm when I was fully ready for the concert. I did my warpaint after Devin and Patrik did his like Angelo. We were almost ready and I sat on my bed and checked my Instagram and Facebook before we left. When I did, I screamed! All members plus the band page liked and Devin commented on my drawing on Instagram and their band page on Facebook reposted my drawing!

Devin's comment read: "Lonesomeghosts1937: WOW! I love it Lacey! A beautiful woman plus amazing talent, I sure cannot wait to meet you tonight love."

Bands page caption read: "Hey everyone check out this AMAZING drawing that Lacey McKay did for us this morning! Such talent! We may just have to make her our new merch designer with talent like this! -CM" 

I nearly fainted when I read that and had to sit on my bed as Patrik went to turn on the fan for me. "Damn girl, looks like you have some sexy game going on for you tonight. I'm jealous!" he chuckled. I smacked his chest and blushed worse than I already was and yelled "Paddycake be good!" "Oh I am love." he said winking and we both busted out laughing and ended up falling off the bed onto the floor. "Oh ouch okay that hurt.... Paddy can I get up... Please?" I said rubbing my head which had hit the floor that wasn't padded by rugs.

"Oh, uhm sure... Uh sorry Lacey" he blushed turning away. "Are you okay Patrik?" I said putting my hand on his shoulder ... He turned towards me then quickly turning away again.

I looked at him confused for a couple seconds "Paddy why are you....blushing?" He stayed silent for a couple minutes as we sat there in silence then it hit me!

"HOLY SHIT YOU'RE. NOT GAY ARE YOU PADDY?!" I practically screamed which made him pounce on me and cover my mouth. He looks down at me scared, then lowed his head "No...Lacey...I-I'm. Not...." I looked up at him lost as his long purple locks fell over his face as he moved slightly closer to me. "Paddy...I" I breathed but was cut off by him kissing me, I kissed back but pulled away fast. "What was that.... Why...?! I thought you were gay!" 

He caressed my cheek as he said "I'm. Bisexual, just more attracted to men.... But you, Lacey make me feel butterflies like when I watch gay porn..." I shoved him off "Okay that's enough! I don't wanna talk about what you so to get your rocks off Patrik!" I said laughing My watch beeped and I looked "SHIT WERE GONNA BE LATE! COMMON PADDY!!!" I said as I grabbed my stuff and ran to his car.

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