Chapter: 5

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 I was standing by the entrance to the concert hall waiting for Lacey not knowing where the hell she went  and I was getting annoyed. The show was about to start and I did not want her to miss  her first MIW show, especially sense her mother told me to keep an eye on her... This is not good. Suddenly I was startled when I heard Chris scream "HELLO YOU SEXY MOTHER FUCKERS! YOU READY TO FUCKING ROCK THIS SHIT!?"   

The screams that followed were absolutely deafening and  I had to cover my ears so I did not literally go deaf.  I groaned and sighed walking into the wall and walking up the stairs to the overhead balcony. I got stopped, the man pointing at the 21+ ONLY sign. I sighed again and  showed the man my ID and he let me through. As I sat down in a seat along the railing I watched Chris and the dudes rock out and soon completely forgot about Lacey. Singing along having a great time, Let her do her own shit. Mr and Mrs. Clowiac can kill me later I am not her babysitter. 


** Chris's POV**

I was singing "Reincarnate" looking back over my shoulder occasionally  Lacey and noticed that her ankle was better because she was standing and dancing, I glared at her shaking my head. She had really  worried me but I had to pay attention to my set.  We came to an intermission and I walked over to her and crossed my arms looking down at her. "Heh heh..... uhh. H-hey there Chris" she said nervously. I looked down at her and shook my head chuckling. "You're something else you know Lacey. You had me worried."  I saw her look down and I leaned down and picked her up suddenly causing her to scream and hit my back. "Goddamn you Christopher Cerulli don't fucking  do that!" 

She relaxed against my back and I laughed as I began walking. She was randomly messing with my shirt hem when suddenly she said "You know Chris, you have a nice ass" and she gently smacked it. I gasped in surprise and almost dropped her. "Uhm... thanks. I think?" I laughed as I began running earning a scream of surprise and joy from her. Suddenly our manager told us we had 12 minutes to get back to the stage for our second part of the show. I saw Devin and placed her down on a the couch he was lounging on. Surprising them both and I ran away as fast as I could laughing my ass off. 

I heard them running behind me laughing and then I saw Balz coming towards me and my eyes widened...I'm not good at stopping when I'm running fast. "OH SHIT BALZ MOVE NOW!! "  I screamed as I tried to stop. Failing, I ran right into Josh knocking us both on our asses only soon to be jumped on by Devin and Lacey followed by Ryan and Vinny. "FUCK MY KNEE!!"  I hissed in pain. They all moved off of me and sat around me concerned. I was holding my knee moaning in pain. "Dudes my knee is fucked... I don't think I can go back out there." I said groaning as Ricky came and helped me up.  I looked at Lacey who was on Devin's lap and she knew exactly what I meant. "Oh hell Chris... no... n-no I can't. I'm not ready!" I hobbled over to her with the assistance of Ricky and leaned into her. "I need you Lace, I know you can do this. Remember the first time you showed me you can play bass, how scared u were? It was fine after I made the others leave the room right?"

She looked at me to Devin and back to me shaking slightly " Y-Yes... but Chris that was different it was only you then!" I chuckled and told her "Than imagine it is just us there, no audience I do that sometimes you know. It helps when you are nervous or scared."  I looked at her dead in the eyes, and grabbed her shoulders. "Lacey I NEED you. WE need you. Please...."  She shakily nodded and I sighed in relief. "Thank you. Now for the songs where I would normally sing with Ash I am gonna tell her that Dev will be your partner. Okay?"  

She looked petrified and they both blushed, but nodded in agreement. Suddenly I look up and see Ash Costello standing there smiling and she nodded, helping me get to the chair that I had originally set up for Lacey and helped Lacey set up. I look up and thank Ash as Nikki walks up and looks at me confused then see's my knee "Awe damn dude, that don't look good... What are you gonna do about the show?" Just then Lacey's shaky voice boomed in the mic and the crowd went silent minus a few cheers. I looked at her as she looked back scared. I gave her a reassuring smile and a double thumbs up, Devin stayed by her as she sang the songs, I could tell that she felt better being by him. They naturally gravitated to one another, I was happy.

A Concert Rescue (A MIW Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora