Chapter: 6

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(( I am terribly sorry for the months this story has gone un-updated.. been through ALOT. From finding out my cancer is bad and fretting about that, to just plain old writers block. But aye now is the time for this to continue!!))


I played the chords to the songs, the deep vibrations from my bass ringing through me. I had a smile on my face any time I looked at Lacey. Soon I realized that my pants were getting tight beneath my bass, I faltered. I looked around at the crowd, acting like a crazy maniac. No one noticed I had goofed a chord, I was relieved. We continued to play our set, any words Lacey did not know, Ricky filled in.
The crowd surprisingly loving her singing. Once she started singing the crowd went absolutely nuts.

I was even surprised by how great she sang. It was like liquid gold dripping off an angels wing. Soon came time for our song, I grew incredibly nervous because I knew this was a sexual song and she'd be grinding against me. Ricky and Balz started to intro and I joined in, stumbling a bit. I have never messed up playing live, this creature.... this angel really had a power over me.
We sang and danced around my voice melting in with hers. The part same where the girl moans and honestly hearing her do that part, I knew I was not the only one who was horny. Hearing her moan,I felt some pre-cum leak out. When we grinding together I moaned in her ear. The set ended and screams erupted louder then ever before and I wrapped my arms around her. Chris came out with the help is Ash Costello and with one more introduction for Lacey, we left the stage.

A Concert Rescue (A MIW Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora