Chapter 2

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Khail POV

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Khail POV

When I heard the door and saw this man that claims to be my dad. I was speechless I didn't know what to do to I slammed the door in his face and when runny inside.

Mike POV
I was still standing at the door Waiting for him I know you like what are you doing here you haven't been in your son's life for 16 years but I just found out I had a son his mom never told me what she told me she was pregnant but she left the state and never came back. I'm here to see and to make a relationship with him, I want to get to know my son.

Khail POV
I'm just sitting here like what should I do should I go talk to someone who abandoned me for 16 years I never knew him my mom left me to go, people, some crackhead people I have no one but myself so I can't let anybody in my life that I don't even know or someone that betrayed me for 16 years I don't know what to do but it's almost time for me to go to school so I have to hurry up I have school soon so I open the door for him and he started talking.

Third-person POV

" Hello," said Mike
"What do you want you abandoned me for 16 years now you just suddenly want to appear you neither my mother doesn't care about me so don't pop in as you care," Khail said.
"I'm not here to argue if you let me finish you would know that was not my choice of abandoning you Your mom ran away before I could even get to know you she was pregnant at 15 so that messed us up at the beginning she just left without telling nobody I'm sorry you feel this way but I want to get to know you and I hope you'd let me," said Mike.

"I don't know any of this thank you for telling me but I'm late for school maybe we could talk later bye," said Khail.

Khail POV
The whole day I was thinking about it I don't know what do you like some random guy just came up to me and said I'm your dad. What would you do so I just did my work, I had to have lunch with no problem be talking to me like always but like I'm just a regular day. I just kept on thinking about it I don't know what to do. SoI just tried to forget about it and just have my regular day alone people are bullying me out today I don't care.

That was until the bad boy of the school came and sat next to me maybe today's just a weird day.

"Hi I'm Xavion," he said.

Can today  get any worse.

"I would like to you to be my personal slut"
He said

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