♠︎chapter 3♠︎

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(3rd person)

"Ok I'll go first." Biana started, "linh, have you had sex before?" 

"Umm, not I'm saving myself for marriage or if someone comes into my life and I know that they are a good person." 

"Good." Tam said earning a laugh from everybody. "See fitz this is what I mean, you need to take notes." She said catching her breath

"Ok, uh, dex, are you bottom or top?" Linh asked. "Why me? Umm....I'm bottom..." he said shyly looking down. "Ok fitz, umm..which do you like better, hugs, kisses, cuddles, or sex?" He asked turning his body to face fitz who was sitting beside him. 

"Well, sex Is tiering, and I like hugs and cuddles but I'd have to say kisses, because you can have a soft kiss or a more passionate one." He replied. He leaned closer to dex and whispered, "but I can make exceptions for you." In his ear. Dex blushed and biana was just looked at them with an 😦 face. 

"Wait- fitz, are you dating dex?!?" Biana said snapping out of her daze. 

"Took you long enough." He said smirking.

"Wait dex, so your telling me, you've had sex with my brother?!?" Biana said still trying to out 2 and 2 together. 

"Yeah..." he said blushing still. 

"Damn." Was all keefe could say.

"Anyways! Tam! If you were to make out with anyone in this room who would it be?"fitz asked."umm well obviously it would be my crush." "And who is your crush?" 

"The dumbass over there." I said looking away because for literally the first time in tams entire existence he blushed In front of his friends. 

"Oh my god keefe, your dreams actually came true!" Biana yelled smiling . "Your crush actually likes you back!" She said. Keefe was in awe. "What really?" He asked. Tam gave a slight nod still looking away. "Same bangs boy, same." He said referring to the 'if you where to pick one person in this room to make out with'

"Omg yes! My brother finally has a boy friend!" Linh said showing her exited not that shy part of her personality. Tam blushed even harder at that, mad that he was showing his emotions this much, while keefe just smirked. 

"Ok! Moving on!" Tam says trying to move out of that embarrassing conversation. "Umm, biana, what's your ideal type?" 

"Blonde hair, brown eyes." She said quietly but we all know everyone heard her. "Ooo! Sophie! Looks like that's you!" Keefe said pointing at Sophie. "W-w-what? I- I don't know what your talking about," she said with a bright blush appearing over her face. 

"Ok keefe! I dare you to kiss tam!" Biana yelled snapping out of her embarrassment from the 'ideal type' question. "I thought we were playing truth to truth?" Keefe said confused. "Well I made up the game so I can do whatever!" Biana said with an UwU face. "Whatever." Keefe said making his way over to tam. "Wait wha-" tam was cut off by keefe pressing his lips up against tam's. Keefe hand was holding the back of tams head while tam had his hands on keefe neck. 

The kiss lasted for about 40 seconds, when the broke apart for air all tam could manage to say was: "woah". "Y'know what bangs boy, your not that bad of a kisser." Keefe said sitting back down in his spot smiling. 

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