The base

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Iana's Point of view:
Iana thought to herself "That white mask is gonna get killed by the other operators"
*Iana moved to the blood mask and smiled*
"I'm Iana what's your name?!"
*The blood mask just stared at her*
Paul: "I hate you"
"Why do you hate me?"
"Well to be fair you were in a terrorist organisation"
Paul: "Where am I going to sleep?"
"Sorry to say this, but you'll have to sleep in my room, I got you a mattress if you want it?"
Paul: "Where can I get food?"
"In the cafeteria, I'll show you"
(Paul's point of view)
*I got to the cafeteria and all the operators looked at me as if I had killed their parents in front of them*
"Nope, nope nope nope"
*Caveira came running at you to punch you*
"Please don't make me do this"
*Caveira punched me*
*I punched her back in the head and she was immediately knocked out*
*The other operators kept looking and doc came to help caveira*
"It was self defence"
Doc: "You hit her way too hard for self defence"
"I'm just gonna go eat something"
*I got my food and went to a table where nobody was at*
*Iana sat next to me*
"What do you want?"
Iana: "You seemed lonely"
"Thanks for treating me like a human being"
Iana: "Everyone deserve's a chance"
*I finished eating went to my dorm*
Paul: "It's a shame that caveira is going to end up with a broken spine next time she attacks me"
Iana: "And then your neck will go boom"
"Oh I forgot about that"
Iana: "You should get some sleep babe"
"What did you say at the end?!"
Iana: "Nothing"
*Iana smiled sheepishly*
*Paul went to sleep*
(I hope you enjoyed it! Part 3 Coming out tommorow!)

Caught. (Rainbow six siege Male white mask x Iana)Where stories live. Discover now