The Pinch

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The next date involved pinchy underwear. Rey washed the pretty, lacy set Rose made her buy and it shrank slightly, even though she'd been so careful and washed it by hand. Somehow that shit shrank. Slightly.

She'd be damned if she'd buy another set so she stuffed herself into this one and almost changed because she figured Charlie wouldn't see her fucking underwear. Because she didn't plan to jump into bed with him.

Her body wasn't what it once was. She worked out but couldn't lose the damn weight that seemed to bind itself to her overnight. She'd lose a couple of pounds if she starved herself and spent a couple of hours in the gym every day. But it would all come back without warning if she even looked at a cranberry orange muffin. Life was not worth it if one couldn't have a fucking muffin. Moderation and all that. Kay lectured about it now and then. All of Rey's friends gained as the years rolled by. Most of them didn't stress and just went with it because, well, what else was there to do?

It wasn't just the weight, either. It was the body shape change. Rey had always been smaller on top and cakey on the bottom. Now she had a round belly to add to her round bottom and an all-around bigger shape. She looked... really, there was no other way to describe it... matronly. Her young woman's shape had been passed on to Kay and that was the end of it.

Fine. She didn't have to sleep with Charlie, even though they were dating.

She hadn't even kissed him. They'd spoken on the phone daily as he called to check in. She even went to see the play once more and he had insisted upon driving her home afterwards. Both of them seemed quite willing to proceed slowly and with caution.

This was technically the second date. Dinner and a movie. She put on the light makeup again and a new pair of black pull-on slimming (she hoped) pants and another flowing top that hid the belly.

And the pinchy underwear. It started biting her at dinner and she squirmed slightly. Charlie didn't say anything, if he did notice, and they talked about various topics. He asked to see her artwork sometime and she agreed to show him her pieces. She found herself inviting him over for dinner and a viewing. He agreed with a smile.

"Should we have a talk then?" he asked, giving her a little wink behind his glasses.

"You're funny, there, Charlie Barber," Rey said primly. "We can have that talk anytime you like."

"Now," he said.

She forgot her underwear. "We'll be late to the movies," she countered.

"We'd better hurry up," he said, leaning back in his chair.

"Bully," she said.

He grinned, unrepentant. "I don't know what I'm looking for. I didn't think I was looking for anything in particular. I plan to let this dating thing go whatever fucking direction it wants to go it. Those are my cards."

Rey stared at him. "Cards?"

"On the table," he answered. "The metaphorical table, that is. What are your cards?"

She honestly had no idea. "Well," she said, stalling for time. "I suppose I'm the same way. I never thought I'd date again after Kev and I broke it off. I figured I was done." She paused. "In a lot of ways, I was done." She stopped and thought about what she'd lost over time. "Your play speaks to me for that reason. There have been so many times when I sacrificed things--and it felt like there was no good reason."

"I know," Charlie said. "I've felt that way, too. If you sacrifice and know why and know that it's for a good cause, you mourn the loss much less."

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