Treasure Found

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"Dad," Henry said at the family dinner. He darted a glance at Rey, who passed a bowl of mashed potatoes.

Charlie smiled at Rey and scooped up a portion. They were seated at the big table in Charlie's apartment. He lived in an upscale neighborhood in his favorite type of adobe--one with tall ceilings, original wood, a scuffed brick accent wall. Recessed tray ceilings, arched entryways, and original plaster decorations added to the antique ambiance.

Rey presided over the big polished wooden table like a queen. Kay and her fiance and Henry and his latest girlfriend (insert Dad eyeroll here) sat primly as Charlie carved the roast chicken.

"Dad," Henry repeated.

"Yes, son?"

"We would help you move." Henry sneaked another peek at Rey's unreadable expression. "I mean, either way. If you want to move out or..."

"Rey," she said.

"Rey wants to move in."

The children had been uncomfortable with the news that their parents found one another and were obviously madly in love. The little smiles, brushes of hands, stolen kisses sent Kay running out of the kitchen.

Rey heard her muttering to Henry. Kay had gotten over her little crush on Charlie's son pretty quickly in the face of her mother's new relationship. She had bigger fish to fry than worry about Henry's sex appeal.

"We're fine, Henry," Charlie said, his voice deceptively soft.

Rey smothered a smile. She guessed that Henry knew that tone meant back the fuck off or else.

It was followed by a pointed look at Henry over Charlie's new glasses. He and Rey had gone glasses shopping together and picked out new frames to celebrate getting stronger prescriptions.

"Yeah, but, what are you guys doing?" Kay asked. "Are you getting married? Is this serious? What the hell is going on, Mom?"

"If you love each other, then don't you want to..." Henry waved a hand around. "Move in together at least."

Kay made noises of agreement .

Rey met Charlie's gaze across the table. She saw him suppress a smile and thought about kicking the kids out so she could take him to bed. But she pulled her attention back to the table. "Is there a reason you two are concerned with our relationship?"

"No," Kay said. "Well, yes. We...I just want to know what's going on."

"We're together. Everything else is our business," Rey said.

Henry and Kay exchanged a look. "You don't have to live apart, though. We would help you move."

Charlie set his drink down deliberately. It made a solid thud. Everyone looked at him. "We don't plan to live together--not that it's any of your business. We are happy with our current situation."

Mouths dropped open.

"Not everyone wants to move in together. We can have a deep, fulfilling relationship living in our own homes."

"This place is set up for me," Charlie said.

"My furniture and belongings won't fit." Rey paused. "Well, they might, but I don't feel like trying to merge households. It's a waste of time and energy. We're happy with our separate spaces."

"We'll let you come to the wedding, though," Charlie said. "If we decide to get hitched."

"You'd get married and live separately?" Kay asked.

Rey almost laughed out loud at the appalled expression on her daughter's face. "Yep. If we decide to get married at all. Kind of been there and done that."

"We're together because we want to be. We choose to be together and it doesn't have to include being in each other's space all the time."

Rey jumped up to refill her wine glass. "Honestly, kids, it's like having two living spaces instead of just one. I live here as well as at my place. Charlie lives with me--as well as here."

Henry nodded. "And you don't have to deal with so many daily irritations, like when Mom didn't pick up her shit and you ended up being a maid for us."

Charlie raised his eyebrows. "Glad you included yourself in that scenario, Henry."

He groaned. "I know, I know." Henry deepened his voice. "'Not your maid, Henry Barber. Pick up your stuff.'" It was a decent impersonation of his father.

Rey had to laugh out loud. Henry grinned at her and looked even more like his father, though his hair wasn't as dark.

Later, Charlie came back into the dining room as Rey finished giving the big table a last swipe. He followed her into the kitchen.

"That went well," he said. "I think they finally understood."

"While I'm glad they got it, on some level, I don't care," Rey answered. She washed and dried her hands. "It's our relationship and the spawn don't have to understand or agree."

"So true," Charlie agreed. He pulled her into his arms for a kiss. "Maybe we should get married."

Rey leaned back. "I never thought I'd hear you say that."

He shrugged. "I didn't have a choice before. I do now. I can choose my future and I'd like it to include you, my love."

Rey touched his dear face. "I love you so dearly, Charlie Barber."

"Would you say yes if I asked?"

She smiled. "Would you say yes if I asked?"

"Why don't we ask each other and find out?" Charlie looked Rey in the eye.

"One... two... three..." Rey said.

Charlie laughed. They asked each other in unison and agreed to marry for love.

They gained so much more than they had lost.

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