Chapter 4: Close Call

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Amity watched with fascination and anxiety—a strange combination—as Willow took the contents of the jar and sifted them through the strainer.

"Technically, this is supposed to sit for a few more days, but we're kind of time-pressed," she explained carefully while continuing her work.

Amity stayed silent, still just looking at her friend's hands fiddling with the various herbs and materials. Amity knew that Willow was good with plant magic, but she didn't realize that Willow also just knew a lot about plants and their uses. She definitely made the right choice about who to confide in.

Willow finished whatever she was doing at the sink (Amity had lost understanding a while ago) and turned to the stove where she had a pot on low heat with something melting in it. With the strained contents from the jar in one hand and the pot handle in the other, Willow bit her lip in concentration and slowly poured the jar oils into the pot before drawing a small spell circle to have a wooden spoon stir the mixture on her behalf.

"Once this step is done, we just have to let it harden, and then it'll be good for use. I'm hoping that it will slow the effects of the disease, but if not that, it'll at least provide some relief from those nasty throat pains and any other physical symptoms you're experiencing."

Amity nodded with a quiet thanks before staring back down at her hands while Willow continued tending to the in-progress salve. Even though Willow was busy at work, she must have noticed the irregular behavior from her old friend.

"Hey, I know that this is a terrifying experience, but we got this! The people in that book didn't try any plant-based healing magic made from scratch. Maybe we'll uncover some new info about the disease."

Willow gently placed her hand on top of Amity's in comfort.

Amity furrowed her brow and curtly replied, "Yeah, right."

Willow moved to be more directly in Amity's line of vision.

"Amity. What's bothering you?"

Amity's eyes flickered towards Willow before she turned her head to the left, evading the plant witch's gaze.

"Uh, nothing, just...I don't know, I'm worried about Luz. She's just so stubborn." Amity placed her free hand over her face and slid it up, tangling it in her hair, continuing, "I hate that she's so concerned and poking her head into what's not her business, but at the same time, that's what's got me in this mess in the first place, and she's just really sweet for caring so much and trying to help and—I'm rambling, aren't I?"

Amity's face flushed red as she cut herself off and looked back to see Willow smirking at her.

"Yep, you've fallen hard, my friend."


Willow laughed as Amity continued to gain color in her face. The plant witch released Amity's hand and turned her attention back to the stove where the contents of the pot were almost completely mixed.

"Listen, Am, it's ultimately your decision whether you want to tell her or not. Now, obviously, if we can't figure this out and it gets to a certain point..." Willow gestured with her hands, "Well then it would probably be wise to let her know what's going on so we can take the next steps. But for now, it's up to you. Just know that I'll be by your side no matter what you choose."

Amity gave a grateful smile, replying, "Thanks, Willow. I really needed to hear that."

Willow stopped the stirring with another spell circle and turned off the stove, taking the pot and pouring the liquid into a new jar. She placed the jar aside and put a lid next to it.

"Okay, we just need to wait for it to dry. In the meantime, how about we do something fun to take your mind off your problems?"

Amity narrowed her eyes.

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