Chapter 15: Taking charge

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Hey everyone! I'm so sorry this chapter took so long for me to get out! I don't know if anyone else is also facing this problem, but it's bordering on p a i n f u l to write Lumity without taking the latest canon events into consideration (but also AHHH I CANT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED IN TTLGR). Also I discovered that I'm extremely rusty on writing fluff bc I write so much angst ;-; but ANYWAYS,,,sorry again, and thanks for your patience!<3


Luz stared straight ahead as she walked across the hallways of Hexside with a purpose.

She approached Amity with her smile wide and expression warm. And undoubtedly, she had the happy feeling she always got when she was around Amity, which was the main reason she was even seeking out the witch in the first place.

Once Luz was within proper distance of her friend, she opened her mouth to greet her, but soon thought she maybe should've stopped to get her giddiness in check before just blurting out whatever came to mind.

"Heyyy, Mittens!" she ended up saying smoothly (which was a shock to Luz even as the strangely suave tone came out of her mouth).

Mittens?!?! Where did that come from??? Luz thought with panic, doing a thousand mental facepalms.

Amity turned to face Luz, but if she was at all surprised by the use of the nickname, she didn't show it. In fact, Luz could see an extremely apparent look of discontent laid across Amity's features, emphasized by her lifeless eyes.

"What," she said more than asked, her voice tired and harsh.

Ah, shootshootshoot, she probably thinks I'm being annoying!

And so, of course, Luz opened her mouth to apologize. And, of course, she panicked.

Leaning up against the locker next to Amity's and crossing her arms to complete the look, she adopted the same "cool" voice and instead stated, "Woah, looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed!"

She had to try really hard to not physically facepalm after that one.

Luz was confused, to say the least, about her actions and why she for whatever reason felt very overconfident and also really happily anxious (???) at the same time. It didn't make any sense. And she wasn't making any sense because of it.

Thankfully, the awkwardness seemed to evaporate when Amity gave her a questioning head tilt and said, "...I always wake up on the same side."

Maybe the awkwardness only disappeared because it was replaced by Luz being literally unable to process anything except for how adorable Amity was when she didn't understand human things.

Luz didn't even realize when she started smiling again (also what the heck when did her face get so warm), and she couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at Amity's response.

"It's a human thing, baaaauuaby," she said, realizing a second too late what name she had let slip and awkwardly trying (but failing) to fix it to "buddy."

Well, her face didn't cool down at all, that's for sure.

Struggling to pull herself together after that, Luz quickly said, "Uh, can you give me a sec," holding up a finger to Amity before turning around to face away from the witch.

Luz fished around in her bag and finally found her water bottle. She pulled it out and opened it hastily—a bit too hastily; as she rushed to pull the top open, she squeezed the bottle, causing the water to squirt up into her face as soon as the bottle was open. There was water dripping down off of her chin, and she couldn't open her eyes without getting water in them.

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