the introductions

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a muffled alarm comes from somewhere. the annoying sound rings. and rings. and rings. george groans into his pillow and searches around, finally finding his phone. his morning alarm was ringing for him to get ready for school. he rolls out of bed and walks to his closet, searching for an outfit. he decides on black ripped jeans and a black band tee. yet he throws a white hoodie over it, and a layered flannel over than. he slips on some air force ones and grabs his phone, pocketing it. george reaches for his backpack and races down the stairs for breakfast. "morning," he greets.

"morning hun, here ya are," she says, handing him a plate with a toasted bagel and bacon on it with a glass of milk. as he begins eating she comments, "you fell asleep before dinner last night," 

"yeah, practice was really tiring," he responds, his words muffled by the food he was eating. "i landed my double axel, though!" he finishes after swallowing his food. 

"awesome!" she praises.

"morning," his sister groggily announces, slowly walking to the kitchen island they sat at for breakfast. 

"morning hun," his mom greats again, setting down the same breakfast as his, except the bacon is replaced by chopped peaches, and the milk replaced with orange juice. his sister proclaimed herself vegan a few years ago. his dad hadn't seemed to notice yet, and it didn't seem to affect his mom that much either.  

"i'm leaving," george announces, grabbing his bag from off the ground and taking his keys from the ring at the door. 

"hey!" his sister shouts, still chewing her bagel.

george had to drive his sister to school everyday. they went to highschools near each other, his sister goes to some all girls school, while he attends the city's public school. his sister was a freshman, while he was a junior. 

"wait for me, dick!" his sister shouts, racing out the door after him.

george had started up his car, alyssa, and was sitting in the drivers seat. his sister opens the passenger seat's door and climbs in it. "stella! you forgot your backpack!" his mother calls from the garage, holding up his sisters bag.

stella races out of the car and grabs it, kissing her mom on the cheek before getting back in the car. they ride to school in peace, and begin their separate days. 

george wasn't a straight "a" student, but he wasn't stupid. he got decent grades and even participated in school events. 

the day passed by like usual, when george was at his locker grabbing his bag, he feels a tap on the shoulder. "huh?" he turns around to see the younger boy from the ice rink yesterday. 
"listen, im sorry if what i said yesterday came off as rude, even though you were in our spot-" he was cut off by an older boy kicking his leg. the older boy who stood behind him was much taller. he had dirty blonde hair and green eyes, and had a good build, not too muscular, but certainly not the tall and lanky type. "listen, im sorry for being rude yesterday. it wont happen again," the smaller boy admits with a sigh before walking away. 

"yeah sorry about him. don't worry he's always a little shit," the older boy says, laughing a little at the end. 

"yeah..." george responds, a little confused by the situation. 

"clay," the older boy introduces himself, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his varsity jacket. a handshake would be far too formal in this scenario. 

"george," george responds, turning around to shut his locker. yet when george goes to walk away, the older boy follows him, walking besides him. 

"so, you do ice skating? that's cool. what like- tricks do you do?" he asks.

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