Training Camp pt. 1

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Kuroo POV

Kenma was sitting next to me on the bus playing his switch as I was pretending to be alseep. If he caught me staring at him he would kill me, but I can't help it. The way his hair falls from behind his ear no matter how many times he tucks it back. And the way his eyes move from moving his character around on the screen. He sticks out his tongue everytime he knows he'll win a game. He's so adorable, don't know if that's okay to like your childhood best friend. But I do.

The bus comes to a halt and coach announced we were here. I tapped Kenma on the shoulder getting his attention.

"Hey come on let's go," he nodded and got up from his seat.

We walked out of the bus to see karasuno arriving. Hinata making eye contact with me then looking beside me to see Kenma. His face lit up and started heading towards Kenma as he did the same. I'm gonna admit I'm a little jealous but I can't really do anything about it right? Guys can't like guys..

I looked over to see Daichi and Suga giggling with each other. Are they dating?? I made my way over to daichi and suga

"Hey long time daichi." I held my hand out to shake.

"Hey Kuroo it has" he tightens his grip on my hand. Damn he's strong

"Hey Hinata did you get any taller yet??" Lev started running down the steps.

"Shut up Lev..." Kenma said.

Kenma was smiling. With Hinata. He never does that. I might be jealous but I'm glad Kenma has another friend other than me. They might even be more than friends. The thought tugs on my heart like it wants to be sucked in a black hole so I push it deep inside. Trying not to let it show.


"Shut the fuck up owl boy," i said

Bokuto started pouting but stopped when Akaashi came into view.

" nice to see you again Kuroo-San." Akaashi said as he put a hand in Bo's shoulder

"You too." Giving him a nod.

I looked over to the side to see a blonde male with a freckles face guy.  Tsukishima. Salty bastard. First time we met he was an ass. But he's a pretty good blocker.


"Please stop calling me that"

"Okay how bout skinny?"

"Absolutely not."

I chuckled as I heard the conversation between a moon and a owl. We went inside of Fukurodanis school to be met with the coaches and some kids with turquoise shirts putting up the net.

"Iwa-Chan!! Don't be so meannnnn." This one brunette hair said from behind me.

"Stfu Shittykawa I won't share a bed with you." A Spikey haired male replied.

"Hey iwa-Chan~ isn't that karasuno?" The brunette said flirtatiously.

"Yea." The shorter male said.

I met eyes with the taller male and he smiled while coming towards me.

"Oikawa Tooru." He bowed while the other smacked his head.

"Ah so your the great king?" I chuckled.

"And your the hyena man?" He remarked.

"A good looking one at that. And you must be 'iwa-Chan'?"

"Yes." He rolled his eyes.

I was about to comment on how short he was when Karasunos chaotic second years bursts through the doors with a speaker playing "Genocide" very loudly.
(I swear I'm obsessed with this song)


"I am very very sorry my apologies for coming off so harshly."


I face palmed. God of course they would do this. I drifted off from the chaos and saw Kenma still hanging around Hinata and Lev. I walked over there and put my arm around Kenma's shoulder.

"Hey kitty~" I whispered into his ear.

"Kuroo stop calling me that..." he said shyly

"Aww but I love it when you get all red~"

He backed away and started to walk away. Well I feel like I'm obvious but he doesnt seem to take the hint. Wait. Maybe he does know and doesn't like me back. Is this his way of rejecting me??? Man. I don't know. Maybe I need to go lay down. I need to get my mind off if things anyways...
Heyyy it's been a while💀

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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