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Noya: so I was sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties.

Asahi: noya-

Tanaka: what's worse than a rapist?

Shirabu: a child.

Kenma: nO

Daichi: what is going on-

Makki: hi my name is micheal with a b and I'm afraid of insects

Mattsun: hold on wheres the b?

Tendou: tHeReS a BeE?!

( you already know Berry came to my mind writing this )

Ushijima: Tendou, where is the bee? Do you want me to come kill it?

Tendou: Wakatoshiiii-kun it's okay! there's no bee

Ushijima: Oh okay.

Tanaka: I ain't never seen to pretty best friends-

Noya: always one of them gotta be ugly.

Oikawa: obv im the pretty one💅🏻

Iwaizumi: no tf you not

Oikawa: wym??? im fab✨

Kageyama: pfft-

Oikawa: stfu tobio i will slap your face

Suga: you better not or I'll come after you.

Oikawa: fine

Kenma: how do i turn off notifications

Kuroo: don't tell him

Akaashi: click the icon and press the bottom that says hide alerts

Kenma: thanks

Kuroo: bro wtf

Kenma: im just trying to play animal crossing

Shirabu: yo wanna add me in.

Kenma: why not

Kuroo: you let brat play but not me??

Semi: hey only I can call him brat

Shirabu: how about y'all both shut tf up and don't call me anything

Bokuto: y'all

Tendou: y'all

Kenma: y'all

Akaashi: y'all

Makki: y'all

Mattsun: y'all

Noya: y'all

Tanaka: y'all

Shirabu: omfg shut the hell up

Suga: language there are children present.

Yaku: y'all are blowing up my phone

Lev: y'all-

Yaku: don't even start or I'll hit you

Daichi: guys go to bed it's 3 in the morning

Noya: okay dad-

Tanaka: KAJDJS

Told y'all I have no plot lol. I'm just throwing stuff together when I'm bored. My main thing rn is my short stories, which btw if you have time y'all should go read😌

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