Riddle 40

115 4 2


I'm a scientist. For years, I've been working on a chemical that turns water into alcohol. I think it's going to make me rich. All you do is put one drop of this chemical in a glass of water and it will instantly be transformed into pure alcohol. It works on tap water, well water, rainwater, anything that contains water. I think I've perfected it. Now, all that remains is to see how it tastes. Let me take a sip. Mmmmmm. Tastes good. Eactly like alchol. Nobody coud tell the diffence.

3. Bowling Ball

"Did you know that the human head is the same weight as a bowling ball?" my friend asked.
He thinks he's so smart. He has a book of random facts and he keeps bringing them up in conversation.
"Yeah, I already knew that," I said.

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