Riddle 46

110 6 2

Night Fishing

My friend I went to a remote fishing spot in the mountains. We were planning to do some night fishing. In the parking lot, there was already one other car. We made our way down to the lake and further down, we could see the light of a campfire burning.
While we were fishing, a man came out of the bushes. He was holding a log.
"What brings you all the way out here?" he asked.
"We're night fishing," I replied. "Are we disturbing you?
"No... I don't mind," he said. "I thought you were on your own."
The man turned around and went back over to his campfire. We went back to our fishing and didn't think any more about him.
Then, just two weeks later, I saw an article in the newspaper. It said that a man had been arrested for murdering his wife. He had taken her corpse up to the mountains and burned it to destroy the evidence. I looked at his picture. It was the face of the man who talked to us that night at the fishing spot.

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