Chapter 1

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"Thank you for spending the past two hours with me! I love you so much!" I yelled into the microphone bowing with the rest of my band. We smiled and waved as we took one last glance at the crowd standing before us.

"Three, two, one..." Amos counted until the curtains fell. The crowd disappeared and the screams subsided.

"That was such a loud crowd!" I screamed running over to hug my mom.

"Taylor, you say that about every crowd." She said rubbing my back.

"That's because every crowd gets louder!" I exclaimed running off to my dressing room.

"You have 30 minutes!" My mom yelled tossing my iPhone at me.

I moved quickly going to the FaceTime app. I clicked on the number that I've been talking to for the past two weeks.

"Taylor!" Harry yelled as our eyes met through the screen.

"Hi Harry." I smiled examining him. He was wearing a plaid shirt with the top half unbuttoned. His crooked grin stretched to his eyes and his dimples were deep.

"There it is. There's that smile I've been missing these past few months." He said grinning at me.

I sighed and he cocked his head to the side.

"Whats wrong babe?" He asked seeing the tiredness in my eyes.

"I'm so tired and all I want to do is lay in bed and talk to you all night." I said yawning.

"Well then why don't you do that?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Because I love my fans very much and I'm going to go meet some of them." I said turning towards the door. I walked towards it locking the door knob.

"Oh, are you going to put on a private show for me?" He asked cocking his favorite grin my way. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Taylor ten minutes!" My mom called.

"No. I have to go Harry." I said walking over to my closet. I searched through it trying to find a dress to wear. I rubbed the material of a red lace dress between my fingers.

"But it's only been 20 minutes." Harry pouted.

"Well I have to get dressed." I said sitting the phone down.

"Then get dressed now while I'm talking to you. And make sure I can still see you, I don't like talking to nothing." He smirked.

"Goodbye Styles." I said kissing the phone like I always do.

"I love you Taylor." He said as the screen went black. I stared at the darkness wishing his face would appear again.

I sighed as I unzipped the side of the dress and stepped into it.

Grabbing a headband off the stadium vanity I threw it on my head tucking some curls behind it.

Ten more weeks. Seventy more days until I see him again.

"Taylor are you ready?" My mom asked knocking on the door. I sighed before walking into the hall. She continuously knocked on it as I thought she would break it.

"There's quite a group of girls in there tonight." She gestured to the 'party' room. "Very nice, they're so excited to meet you!"

"Aren't they always?" I asked running my fingers along the wall. I didn't feel like meeting anyone. Not tonight.

"Taylor what's wrong with you?" She asked grabbing my arms and stopping me. She stared into my eyes with disappointment.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

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