Chapter 3

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I woke up the next day to the smell of bacon frying and eggs burning. I sat up groggily as the smoke alarm went off.

"Karlie?!" I yelled waiting for the loud noise to stop.

"I'm trying Tay!" She yelled hitting the alarm with a towel. "I didn't even know hotel had smoke alarms."

I laughed and fell back onto the bed. Rolling over I grabbed my phone.

One new message.
Harry: Good morning babe. 13 more days.

I smiled to myself as I thought about him coming back.

"Is that a text from lover boy?" Karlie asked sitting down with a plate of breakfast.

"No." I said looking away from her.

"Oh really?"


"Then let me see your phone."

"No!" I said holding it close to my chest.

"That's what I thought."

She smirked.

"Hey, where's my breakfast?" I asked looking for my plate.

"Oh yeah. Oops." She said acting forgetful and walking to the bathroom. I shook my head laughing as I crawled out of the covers and started making coffee.

"You want a cup?" I yelled across the room for her to hear.

"Yeah." I heard her faintest voice as she shut the door.

Karlie's P.O.V.

I dialed the number quickly on my phone before Taylor wondered what was taking me so long.

"Hello?" The deep voice asked as I walked over to the mirror.


"Thanks for calling." He replied.

"I'll do anything I can to help you surprise her." I said. He laughed on the other end of the phone before speaking.

"I just need you to make sure she's at the restaurant before I'm there. I don't want the paparazzi blowing this." He huffed.

"You can count on me." I said smiling.

"My plane is landing around five p.m. so be there around seven, okay?"

"Okay." I hung up the phone and smiled to myself before Taylor was banging on the door.

"Karlie what are you doing? Are you sending nudes to Austin?" She yelled.

"Ew no!" I shrieked opening the door.

"So who was it?"


"Who were you talking to?"

"No one."

"You're lying!" She smiled. I felt my face blush as I looked around the room.

"Relax I'm just joking." She said light heartedly handing me the coffee. I laughed nervously with her trying not blow our cover.

I've never been good with secrets.

"We should go out." Karlie said to me as I sat on the couch in sweatpants.

"Why?" I asked looking up at her.

"Because it'll be fun!" She said cheerfully.

"But I thought we were going to watch love actually? I made the popcorn." I held up the bowl and she took some.

"We can watch the movie anytime! Besides we always watch it and it makes you sad."

"I don't know..." I trailed off looking away.

"C'mon Tay! We're only in town for two more days before you're going to the next show and I have to go home. Let's have a girls night!" She shrieked.

"Okay." I said sighing not wanting to disappoint her. She giggled before running to her suitcase to find something to wear.

Checking my phone I stand up to put on a nice dress. It's black with silver rhinestones lining it. By time I find it and put it on Karlie's already got her makeup on.

"I love that dress!" She exclaimed feeling the material between her fingers.

"Harry got it for me." I said smiling. Karlie turned her head and I eyes her suspiciously.

"What?" She asked looking at me.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing!" I stared at her as she played with her dress.

"Whatever you say." I answered to her while walking to the bathroom. I plugged in my curling iron to make my wavy hair somewhat decent.

"Taylor are you almost ready?! It's almost 6:30!"

"Who cares what time it is. We have all night!" I yelled through the bathroom door. Her breath got shaky and I laughed. "Relax Karlie. I'm almost ready."

Opening the bathroom doo I walked out and grabbed my purse.

"Btw I invited Austin to meet up with us." I said walking towards the door.

"You did what?!"

"C'mon Karlie I know you like him. He likes you. Have some fun. Now are you ready to go or....?" She nodded and grabbed her purse.

"Thanks for inviting him." She said walking out the door. I grinned at her.

Let the night begin.

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