The Introduction

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It was a gloomy, cold day. You made your way to the grocery store, in need of milk and flour. You were going to a small get together with some friends, and were making your famous chocolate cupcakes. You get what you need and get out. As you leave it starts to rain 'Oh great just what I need!' You thought to yourself as you began running home. In doing so you bump into a tall, rather handsome man, holding a umbrella. "Oh I'm sorry miss, let me help you with that. Here take my umbrella"

You complied, taking his umbrella
and giving him one of the heavy bags. He helps you take your things into your apartment. Once inside your new, friend?, mouthed "wow". This made you blush slightly and he noticed. You held your hand up to him "I don't think I caught your name?", you said rather sweetly.
"Shouta Aizawa," he said. He voice was rough but soft at the same time while shaking your hand. 'I never thought a voice could be so sexy' you thought, as he continued talking. "And you?"
"Oh I'm (F/N) (L/N), but my friends call me (N/N)."
"(Y/N), huh. What a pretty name. It fits you", he said. You blushed rather red. The rain got heavier and thundering. You hated storms.
"U-um Aizawa, you shouldnt go out in a storm like that," you started to say, "stay here until it passes. I have a small party get together thing to go to," you said, your voice getting quieter and you started playing with the rings on your fingers, nervous. "W-would you like to go with me?"
'OMG OMG I JUST ASKED A HOT GUY THATS IN MY HOUSE ON A DATE' you though. Aizawa thought for a moment, taunting you.
"Sure, why not." Aizawa said, relief washing over you. You smiled, and then started putting the groceries away, then pre-heated the oven. Aizawa sat at the bar, observing you closely before speaking.
"Whatchaaa doinnnn?" He asked playfully. 'Oh gawd this man will be the death of me, his voicee' you thought.
"Um well I'm making cupcakes for the party tonight. You can feel free to make yourself at home. The TV remote is over there of you wanna watch tv or whatever." You said then you pulled your phone out of your pocket and checked it.
--4 text messages from Dumbass--
You rolled your eyes then started making the cupcakes. Aizawa notices your eye roll. He snatches your phone.
"Tsk tsk tsk," he clicked it tongue.
"What?" you asked then realized he had your phone. You blushed.
"Do you want me to take care of him for you, (N/N)? It should be easy." Before you can answer, Aizawa is calling your ex, who, was still obsessed over you and it it on speaker signaling you to talk.
From the other end, Hawks is heard
     "(Y/N), take me back I promise I wont do it again!" He pleaded.
     "No, Hawks you cant go back on cheating." You said, sternly, while giving Aizawa a death stare.

     "Oh my little kitten," Aizawa cooed loud enough for the dumbass who cheated on you to hear. "Come back to bed, I'm tired dear. Who is that your on the phone with?" Aizawa asks, standing up, getting a drink from your fridge, sitting down.

With a shaky voice you replyed, "oh no one my love he was just leaving" and with that Hawks hung up.
"AIZAWA YOUR A LIFE SAVER!" you started dancing, and high fived him.
     He was blushing. "Your love huh?" He asked.
   You were also blushing. "Kitten huh?"

(AUTHOR NOTE) HEYYYY EVERYONE! this is my first fan fiction. I'm sorry if it sucks. Let me know what you think and suggestions are welcome!

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