the party part 3

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"I-its okay." Aizawa looked at you in Bakugous arms. If he was honest, he was jealous. The connection you had with the teen made him jealous.
(an: were gonna age Aizawa down so hes like 24ish okay? Okay)
"Alright Blasty enough sappy shit" you took a chug of your loco, then hand it to bakugou. "Take it. Its your teen years. Enjoy it. I'll be here watching you though. I'm gonna go swim. Have fun if theres a problem come get me, do not blow anyone up got it?!" All bakugou could reply with was "yes y-y/n"

You take your clothes off (bathing suit under you prevs!) And hop in the pool and Aizawa follows behind. You swim with Aizawa and start having conversation about his love for cats.

   ~le baby time skip to about 1 hour later~

Bakugou is shitfaced.. like beyond. You walk up to him and see hes.. crying? "y-y/n why'd you leave me!" He asked as you walked up to him and he hugs you 'oh shit hes drunk. Clingy drunk' you think. "Shhh, baby it's okay. You ready to go home?" You ask, while playing with his hair, his face buried in your neck. He simply nods. "I'm gonna tell Ejiro, okay? I'll be right back then we can snuggle. Sound good?" You ask. He nods again and you set him down in a chair. You run of to Mina and Kirishima having a conversation. "Hey Ejiro! Bakugou may or may not be super drunk. I'm taking him to my place your welcome to join." He nods,"alright y/n thank you. I'm gonna stay for awhile, it ok if I come over later?" He asks. "Of course sweetheart, anyone else is invited too if they need a place to hang." You kiss his cheek then walk to Aizawa and Bakugou.

"I'm taking him to my place. I'm not letting his mom see him like that plus I know it wont go well if I leave him. And you sir" you grab Aizawas hand "are coming too"
"Cant argue with that, can I?" He says, chuckling softly. You help Bakugou up, his hands around your waist, yours his. His hand resting on your shoulder, you get a taxi.

~time skip to being home~

You set Bakugou on the couch and run to your room changing. You put on a tank top and some booty shorts. You dig in the bottom of your dresser and find Bakugou's sweat pants and shirt he left the other day. "Baku, come here you need to change!" You yell out into the living room. Shortly after he stumbles in and strips down to his boxers, then you help him put his sweats on. "Noo y/nnn! You know I cant sleep in shirttssss-" He managed to slur out. He stumbles on to the bed and lays down. "Come give me snuggles" he DeMaNdS. You sigh and throw the shirt on your dresser, laying in bed with him. You crawl under the blanket, and he lays on top of you. He lays in between your legs, his arms around your waist, his head nuzzled into you soft chest. You hug him gently, playing with his hair, kissing his head. Soon you feel his breathing steady, light snores coming from him. You look down and hes DROOLING on your breast slightly. You try moving, but his grip only tightens. You grab your phone, and take a selfie of you, Bakugou passed out on your chest, hand in his hair you text Mina.

                     OMG!  WANNA                         
                      sEE THE CUTEST PIC!


                             -1 image attached-

Thanks for the blackmail!
    You turn for phone off and yell for Aizawa to come in. Bakugou shuffles a bit, nuzzling further into your warm pillows while grabbing you tighter. Aizawa comes in and you read his thoughts, activating your quirk, immediately. 'Damn Bakugou! Are they secretly dating or something?! What's going on? Why isn't that mee!'  His thoughts are screaming jealousy and angry.
You pat beside you on the bed to sit. "Jealous much?" You giggle "I owe you an explanation to well..this" you gesture to bakugou, his features soft, as hes asleep. "No were not dating to clear things up. He doesnt even like women for crying out loud. Jeezus Eji, I'm gonna kill you if you dont get your shit together!" You cuss at Kiri who, isn't even there. You continue "sorry For that. Anyways I guess I start from the beginning. I was 15, he was about 10. I was running to get groceries, minding my business, when suddenly Young Bakugou pulls on my leg. He looked so scared. He told me he was lost and couldn't find his mom. I comforted him, gave him a piggy back ride to find his mom. When we did find her, she was in shock. She said shes never seen him open up to someone like that, asking for help. She offered me a job babysitting him, and helping him with his study's." You pause kissing Bakugous head, smiling at the thought, playing with his hair. "I accepted, of course. But I saw in him something no one else saw. I saw him as a scared boy in need of someone to help him. He was never good at expressing himself, so my quirk came in handy. I helped him understand himself, I calmed him down, I was his shoulder to cry on. Hes like my little brother. At that point is when my mom kicked me out, I lived with him. His mom insisted and I was like part of the family. Then, he got to high school. He got in class 1-A at ua and I couldn't have been prouder of him. He was always so tough on the outside, but on the inside he just needs some help with his emotions. He tells me everything." You look up at Aizawa and smile softly. "you know he really looks up to you? Whatever you did in your class made him happy. And for that, I thank you, Shouta."

He looked at you shocked. "And he helped me through alot aswell. We know everything abouteach other,  which is why hes so protective. I mean it's been 6 years since we meet and in so thankful. Hes my bestfriend, I'd be lost without him.  Ahh sorry about the rant you probably didnt want to hear that"  you say to Aizawa. He still is looking at you in amazement that The Katsuki Bakugou was nuzzled up to you like a little pup. "Dont worry about it kitty~" aizawa says in a seductive voice.

A blush settles lightly on to your face, as Aizawa leans in to kiss you. Just as he does the door bell rings startling you both. "Shouta baby, will you get the door?"
He grumbles in response getting up. You hear him sigh, you get a quick glance and see hes letting someone in. You faintly see pink and red.
Kirishima and Mina walk in you put a finger to your lips to signal them to be quiet. Bakugou starts shifting the looks up at you and whips his mouth and your breast, realizing he drooled all over it. He starts blushing while apologizing. "Y/n I'm so sorry I didnt mean to-"
"To drool on me? Its okay Kat go back to sleep. Your gonna have a killer handover tomorrow." You look up and wink at his friends standing at the end of the bed, which he has no clue are there "hey kat?"
"I love you little pup now go to bed alright?"  He grumbles out "I love you too y/n" before nuzzling back into your chest holding on to you once again, then falling back asleep. Aizawas now in the door way. You sigh "I'm gonna watch a movie then go to bed. Your all welcome to watch with me and one of you can sleep with me on the bed with kat. I doubt hes gonna let me go" you giggle, then continue. "Theres a guest bedroom, one of you can sleep in there, and then the couch. I dont mind who sleeps where, you guys sort it out." They all nod. You turn the tv on and start playing IT. "Oh, if you want something more comfortable theres some of Kats clothes in the dresser in the guest room. Always loving his shit. Your also welcome to my dresser. Make yourselfs at home just hurry up I wanna watch this." Mina grabs a pair of shorts and a t-shirt from your dresser then changes in the bathroom. Kiri comes back in with one of Bakugous shirts on with his sweats. Since you and Katsuki are in the middle of he bed, Mina snuggles up with your left side, and Kirishma on your right. Aizawa just smirks as you snuggle up to them and you all fall asleep. He turns the tv off, tucks you in, then goes to the guest bedroom. Buttt he takes a pic of you all snuggled up for blackmail.

End if chapter because idk how to close them! Have a good day/night

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