Motherfucker (Monifuta 1)

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Summary: You know that saying 'Never judge a book by its cover'? Well apply it to what happens in the bedroom and that's the fic. OR people assume the roles of the, ahem, significantly taller people in the relationship. Things get revealed after a certain curse word is uttered
Notes: This also includes Yakulev and Sugakage
Relationship: Moniwa x Futakuchi

You know the saying, 'never judge a book by its cover? Well, it applied very well in these situations.

See, when some people had announced their relationship everyone had already thought about the, ahem, arrangements of the relationship. Mostly who tops and who bottoms.

And due to some people being kinda close-minded they had all, in what they had thought, rightfully assumed that the taller people in the relationships were the dominant ones. Think again.

The couples knew what everyone thought and they didn't bother correcting them, not wanting to embarrass themselves or the others. The Bottoms thought it was funny at the beginning but they slowly stopped thinking so for 2 reasons.

It had made them think that due to their height they couldn't be the one on the receiving end and looked after which had lead to a bunch of cuddling

And two it was because it ended up with them getting railed into next week. After all, the tops were incredibly possessive

One day, however, everyone found out who the actual tops were in the relationship. One thing was for sure, the curse 'motherfucker' was from now on prohibited to be said.

~Moniwa x Futakuchi~

"Motherfucker!" yelled Kamasaki in pain, holding his broken pinky in his hand.

"You called?" asked Futakuchi, always the cheeky little delinquent. Too bad it backfired.

Everyone had turned to Moniwa, expecting him to look flustered but instead, he smiled serenely which immediately put Kenji on edge and answered with a sweet tone.

"Now, doll. Don't go spreading around things or you'll get punished k bunny"

It was silent as everyone tried to absorb what was said until Kamasaki doubled in laughter, his laugh sounding closer to a witches cackle in Kenji's opinion.

"Pffft, ha! So Futakuchi is a subby bottom, eh?" he asked, wiping away tears of mirth from his eyes as he looked Futakuchi up and down as if he was seeing him for the first time.

"S-shut up, Kamasaki-san!" Kenji cursed his stutter but cursed his annoyance of a boyfriend even more. Why did he have to have such a big mouth? Just why?

You know what? No! He wasn't going to blame himself because a totally inaccurate word was said! Absolutely not! If anything, it was Kamasakis fault for saying it in the first place!

Whilst he was cursing away at his senpai he felt an arm wrap around him and he almost jumped a foot up in the air.

"You okay?" whispered Moniwa, concern clear in his voice.

"Yeah. Just annoyed that Kamasaki was the one who ended up revealing it." answered Kenji, leaning in his boyfriend's arms, feeling content.

"Wanna come over to my place and cuddle? We can even watch your favourite and eat sour gummies." wheeled Moniwa as if his offer to cuddle hadn't convinced Kenji as it was.

He would have gladly slipped practice to hang out with his boyfriend but Kamasaki had to open his mouth again.

"Yo, so like whilst you two are cute and all, my hand still hurts like a bitch!" Kenji was really amazed at his patience if he hadn't already punched his idiot of a senpai yet.

"Since when did I care?" voiced Kenji and immediately closed his eyes when Kamasaki began bitching at him even as Nametsu began dragging him away. He jumped a little when he felt a hand on his ass and inwardly whimpered when he saw the look in his boyfriend's eyes.

"Whilst I do think it was time for the actual status of our relationship to be revealed," began Moniwa, voice hushed as everyone else in the team began conversing among themselves. "You being a cheeky brat can't go unpunished sweetheart. Expect punishment, k doll?" and the actual asshole had the nerve to wink before walking away to Sakunami to correct him on his receiving.

'Guess it wasn't going to be movie night for a long time. This was all Kamasaki's fault' thought Kenji as he began to mentally prepare himself for the night to come.

~Sugawara x Kageyama~

"Motherfucker!" yelled Nishinoya as he crumbled to the floor.

"Yeah?" Everyone went quiet, not expecting the raven to respond. However, it seemed that the setter strongly regretted saying what he just said as he stared at his silver-haired boyfriend.

When Suga smiled they all smirked, thinking that he was going to say something along the lines of 'Nothing for you tonight!' or 'Kageyama! Don't be so vulgar'. Absolutely none of that was anywhere near as close as to what was said.

"So that's how you wanna play it, baby? Wanna see how long you can go again? Can't wait to play with your hole again!" Suga then stood up and walked out of the gym, to go to the clubroom and to go collect himself, not even bothering to see what chaos he created on his way out.

It was silent until Tsukishima, of course, broke it.

"So king, what type of things does your boyfriend punish you for? Because I sure as hell want to tell him about the shit you've been doing." that smirk really made his face punchable.

"Go burn," Kageyama growled but the effect was ruined by the bright blush on his cheeks.

"I'm not the one going to hell here. But I'm sure if we get you and Sugawara-san some holy water it might be able to save you. Unless you both have a thing for-" he ducked just in time to avoid getting hit with the volleyball as Kageyama stormed out of the gym.

"No fucking in the clubroom!" yelled Nishinoya behind him and they could hear the embarrassed 'shut up' from the raven.

'Great. Now I'm going to have to skip practice and wake up to my body being sore as fuck. This is all Nishinoya's fault!'

~Yaku x Lev~

"Motherfucker!" yelled Yamamoto as Kuroo blocked another one of his spikes. His team had officially lost the three on three match and coincidentally it had been the same time that practice finished.

"Yeah? You called?" Lev regretted the words before they even came out of his mouth, face paling even more than he had thought possible.

Everyone sniggered, thinking that Lev had paled because Yaku was going to kick his ass. And like they weren't wrong, but they weren't exactly right either.

They had all turned to look at Yaku expecting him to be in demon-senpai mode but that's not what they saw. No, instead they saw the libero with a vindictive smirk on his face. They were even more shocked when he just swaggered over to Lev and wrapped an arm around his waist, his hand landing in his ass. They all felt their Jaws drop when Yaku spoke.

"So I'm guessing it's going to be 20 lashes, k baby? See you later." and Yaku had the actual audacity to walk away, especially after slapping Lev's ass, the sound echoing in the silent gym.

Lev thanked his remaining lucky stars that the coaches weren't in the gym. He already felt the need to die because his teammates knew about his sex life, he didn't need the coaches to know it either.

"So, Lev," began Kuroo, smirking at the boy that made the rest of Nekoma shiver.

"No. I am not doing this today." declared Lev, already going to the clubroom. Thankfully, nobody bothered calling him back to clean up. His only blessing. Or so he thought.

"Since we are so kindly allowing you to miss clean up time you can run a whole lap around the gym!" and Kuroo better be grateful that Lev was such a nice human being and that he couldn't punch his upperclassmen because otherwise, Lev would have decked him in the face ages ago.

'This was all Yamamoto's fault and his unneeded urge to curse at everything.' thought Lev as he walked in the clubroom to see his boyfriend smiling evilly, holding his hand out for him to take.

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