Time For Sadness (Poly With The Third Years And Aone)

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Summary: Kenji knew he was bratty and selfish and all that but he didn't think that was enough for him to be subjected to the stress of being captain and for his boyfriends to both ignore and tease him.

Pairings: Moniwa/Kamasaki/Aone/Sasaya/Futakuchi

Requested: brokenrelic

Ahhh, Christmas. A time for joy and family.


For one Futakuchi Kenji, this time reminded him of his basically non-existent parents at this point and siblings who would love to sell him off for absolutely no reason at all.

Oh, and let's not forget that he now has to deal with planning stuff for his team because guess what, being captain isn't easy. It's actually really fucking hard.

And his boyfriends are no use at all.

I'm fact, when he expressed his tiredness dealing with the new first years and being captain, Kamasaki just laughed in his face whilst telling him it was karma. Sasaya and Moniwa had a bit more respect and told him to 'hold out' whilst also sniggering at him. In fact, it seemed like the only one to actually see that Kenji was being genuine was Aone and he simply just looked at him and said to take care. Yeah, how exactly?

And now, on this wonderful December night where most couples would be out there cuddling each other under a thick blanket whilst watching some romantic Christmas movie or a family might be getting together to celebrate.

Not him. No, no, no!

What he's currently doing is lying down on his bed, head aching after crying for the last 30 minutes over the sad truth that nobody loves him and that his boyfriends can truly be happy without him in their lives.

But it would soon be revealed that he didn't have to be insecure about his boyfriends, because they will always love him.

Kenji stared at his clock once again, glaring as best as he could at the red flashing colours that showed 19:00.

When he grabbed his phone it still had absolutely no notifications from anybody. Not even some of his siblings texted to pick on him.

It was completely radio silence.

The brunette huffed and turned over in his bed, back facing his alarm and curled up into an even tighter ball and snuffed a couple of times, trying to keep the tears at bay.

Okay, yes, he will admit that he was hurt slightly by the fact that none of his boyfriends had texted him at all during the entire week. And when they had texted him it was because he had texted first and they would always reply with 'I'm busy'.

And yes, he liked to act like an emo brat and pretend that nothing hurt him or got in his way, but truth is? He did get hurt. He got hurt so fucking much and he just wanted it to end. But noooo, life liked to mess with him.

He sniffed again as he thought of the people who had actually managed to get him out of his shell.

Aone had always been a constant presence in his life. They've known each other since they were in elementary when he had stuck up for the taller boy when people had tried to get him into trouble and had taken the blame instead. Ever since then, ironically, Aone had acted as a mini bodyguard and was always with Kenji. Not that the brunette minded. It was actually kinda nice to have someone put up with his bullshit but be able to talk him away from even the craziest of things.

Moniwa had been a more loving and worrying welcome to his life. He fretted about everything almost constantly but he was that strong support that you just knew that you could count on when things got hard in life.

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