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(So I love bottom Futakuchi so that's what we're going with)

Relationship: Kamasaki x Futakuchi

Let's begin!

-When he and Kamasaki first got together, Kamasaki thought that Futakuchi would just be a brat in the bed. Imagine his shock and surprise when he found out that Futakuchi was a complete and utter sub. Like, the full-on sir stuff and all.

-And like, obviously he was shocked.

-He thought he would have to fight tooth and nill to get Futakuchi to submit but no.

-Instead, Futakuchi is sweet and submissive and is willing to do almost anything Kamasaki asks him to do

-And like Kamasaki wanted to take advantage of that, but realised that 'holy shit he's actually being vulnerable I'm not about to be a dick'

-So like it starts this process where Kamasaki will treat Futakuchi like the sweetest angel in bed, completely ravish him, but then when they're in volleyball they still act the same.

-They tell their friends that they're dating and like everyone keeps making jokes about Futakuchi being a brat and all.

-Except for Moniwa, Aone and Sasaya

-Sure they all wanted to know how Kamasaki had managed to get Futakuchi under control but they had enough tact not to say it out loud

-until Sasaya mentioned it one day when the former third years plus Aone had been going out

-Kamasaki just kept a neutral face in before he said he'd need to talk to Futakuchi about something

-The same week Kamasaki came up to the three and said that Futakuchi will allow them to see them have sex

-Moniwa was extremely flustered and poor Aone flushed, thinking about seeing his best friend act extra bratty. Sasaya was the only one who acted normal

-Eventually, they managed to find a day where they were all free and the 3 extras were absolutely gobsmacked to see Futakuchi being shy

-Moniwa felt any braincells leave him when Futakuchi kept on making shy noises and blushing any time he noticed Moniwa's eyes wondering across his body

-Aone was shocked to see his best friend be so vulnerable, and felt his jaw open up a little when he kept on making shy flustered noises whenever Kamasaki praised him

-Sasaya wasn't particularly shocked, knowing that Futakuchi sometimes needed to let go and be vulnerable. Still, he took pleasure in watching his bratty junior blush and stutter everyone he was called pretty or Kamasaki paid attention to him.

-Eventually, Kamasaki even allowed them to touch

-Sasaya immediately went for the pretty tits, unable to help himself when he saw the pretty pink colour and watched in fascination as Kenji bucked up, whining and whimpering

-Aone moved over to Kenji's hole, staring at it hard, unknowing of The brunette fidgeting and blushing darkly as his best friend kept staring at his most interment place. He bucked his hips when he felt air blow against his hole and whimpered when he felt a tongue sticking out to teasingly run against his hole

-Moniwa took fascination in fingering Kenji, enjoying how the normally bratty Kouhai whimpered and begged so prettily for more.

-Kamasaki just watched proudly as his little boy allowed himself to be touched and appreciated whilst he was in such a vulnerable state.

Futakuchi Kenji appreciation Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang