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"Happy Birthday dear Riley! Happy Birthday to youuuuu!" everyone sang to me, it was my 18th birthday and i was of course celebrating with friends and family.

"Thank you guys so much! This mean so much to me that you all could be here and celebrate my 18th birthday with me..i love and appreciate all of you!" i blew out my birthday candle that had started dripping wax onto the cake, as i shut my eyes and made a wish.

"What'd you wish for!?" my best friend Neve asked enthusiastically.

"I can't tell you that." i laugh, the rest of the party went by pretty uneventfully, everyone talked, laughed, and just hung out. People took turns coming uo to me and congratulating me and giving me their best wishes, and over time people started to leave, mostly family. "So what do we do now?" i ask my few friends left as everyone had cleared out and went home or off to do something else.

"i say we get out of here and go get wasted back at my house." Neve said. We all agreed and left the private room we had rented out at one of my favorite restaurants, heading back to Neve's for some drinks and quality girl time. Neve was nineteen so she had her own place already..our plan was that when i turned eighteen i would move in with her and get away from my parents finally.

We got to Neve's house, we all immediately got comfortable i'm the living room while Neve went to go get the liquor from the kitchen, her brother is twenty-two that's how she gets it. "So Riley, how's it going with Michael?" Elizabeth asks..seeming a little hesitant to bring it up.

"Fine.." i say with a half smile. Elizabeth and i have always sort of had this flirty friendship thing going on between us, so she wasn't really happy when i started seeing Michael, though she would never really admit to that.

"That's good," she half smiles back. "and how are singing lessons going?" she tries to change the subject.

"Good..they're trying to find me some small businesses or restaurants, or somewhere where i can maybe perform a bit."

"OMG THAT'S AMAZING!" her smile turns genuine and she gets up and comes over to hug me. She smelled of Vanilla..probably her perfume or something.

"Okay whores!" Neve says as she comes back from the kitchen, "we've got wine, Vodka, and some fruity drinks.." we ended up going with vodka and thankfully she had orange juice..because orange juice and vodka is absolute heaven! We took shot after shot until we were all laughing messes who couldn't even form whole sentences.

"Alright it's getting late guys, i should probably head to bed." i say, we've all been up talking, dancing and signing for hours.

"That's probably best.." Neve says, "i can take yous home, i'm all sobered up..unfortunately." She laughs and grabs her car keys leading the girls out the front door. I say goodbye and thank them for coming and being there for me. I begin to walk back to my room when I feel my phone vibrate in my hand, i look down and see someone is calling.

"Hey!" i say sleepily into the phone.

"Hey! Sorry i couldn't make it today, you know how it is."

"You're good, i'm glad you called though." i laugh a bit, i figured he either forgot or didn't care, which i was over at this point.

"Can I come over?"

"I don't know Michael, i'm really tired and it's super late. I have to be up early." I groaned at the thought.

"Yeah no it's cool, just thought i should ask, maybe another day." He says.

"Definitely. I'm gonna head to bed, i'm exhausted." I yawn into the phone.

"Alright, night."

"Ni-" before i could even finish the call ended. He probably just wanted to let me go and get some sleep because i was so tired.

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