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"Darling?" i hear being repeated a few times, at first i figured they were talking to someone else, so i just ignored the person, but the more persistent it got the more i felt it might of been directed at me.

"Yes?" i say with attitude lifting my head up to meet the person who has been trying to pester me. My heart immediately stopped and i thought i was for sure going to throw up.

"Woah, feisty." He says with a slight smirk. i put my hand over my mouth at the realization.

"Oh my god! i am so so so sorry, i didn't realize.." i trail off knowing i had not just made a good first impression. fuck!

"What's a beauty female like you doing here all by yourself?" He questions, taking my hand away from my mouth and kissing it, keeping eye contact with me the whole time. I immediately felt the pulsing of my heartbeat, but it wasn't just my heart that was beating..

"Well i uh..i was with a friend but she sorta left me." My legs were on the verge of collapsing, it was taking everything in me not to fall to onto my knees in front of him. He lowers my hand back down placing it at my side.

"Awe, we can't have that now can we. A beautiful woman all dolled up and on her own, i think not, this beaut needs to be appreciated. So how bout you, my fine angel, accompany me to this movie as my date?" He offers his arm out for me for hook mine through.

"Seriously? You want me to join you?" i say in disbelief.

"Of course you, who else? I see no other angels here, do you..angel?" That nickname, ironically, is going to drag me down to hell and send me into a frenzy. I link my arm with his, and he immediately smirks down at me. Suddenly i realize we're in front of people..a crowd of people just witnessed me; Riley Tate Martin a nobody get asked to me the Harry Edward Styles's date to his movie! "So i hear you have a bit of a thing for me?" He leans in and whispers into my ear, sending a chill down my spine. I look up at him and a smirk laid upon his lips. I didn't know what to say so i just bit my lip and looked away out of embarrassment. "I think it's cute that you're into me, and even cuter how you bite your lip out of embarrassment."

"Sorry, i just don't really know what to say." I nervously laugh as i tuck my hair behind my ear.

"It's all good angel, they won't be much talking going on shortly so." He says almost devilish. My brain jumps to the first thought i have and i look at him a bit taken aback. "The movie, it's starting soon." He adds, yeah that's definitely what my mind thought was being implied...

"Oh," i laugh trying to play off like i hadn't just thought he meant something wildly different, "right!"

"Calm down there angel, you should really get your head outta the gutter. Still a lot to do before we get there." He says not even bothering to look at me, but instead keeping his face forward. The heartbeat pulses quicker at that statement, i don't know what's scarier; knowing he knew what i thought he meant or not knowing if he was joking or not. He's gotta be right? There's no way Harry Styles would fuck a fan after having just met them and only once. Yeah there's no way, he's gotta just be messing with me...right!? I let out a small confused laugh just moving on from the situation, choosing to believe he was kidding around with me. We enter the theater and take our seats, i saw Neve with Fionn, she waved to me and i just stared at her. Harry lead me up the stairs, along side the theater, to our seats. This was a pretty nice theater; the chairs reclined, were heated and were very spacious you could actually probably fit two people in these ones.

"Hey! I see you found our lost angel." Fionn says to Harry.

"Poor thing was just standing out there all by her lonesome, how could you ever leave such a goddess out there by herself." Harry states putting his hand on the small of my back as he gestures to me, causing me to blush. Harry moves his eyes to Neve, sitting besides Fionn. "I'm Harry Styles, and you my dear?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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