mixed up talents

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Tori's P.O.V.
"When I make it shine" I sang as the final lyrics of my song "that was beautiful Tori" Andre said "thanks Andre" I said "yeah that was great" Beck agreed "yeah just like it was at the big showcase" Cat said "yeah it was really good" Robbie said "it was good but me singing Chicago will be amazing" Trina said "it wasn't that good" Jade said rolling her eyes "yeah it was" Andre said "don't start arguing again guys" Beck said "fine" Jade and Andre said "well my turn" Andre said taking sitting down at the piano and plays his song on it and a few hours later all of us finished taking turns rehearsing our stuff "we all did amazing but I did the best" Trina says "I think we all did equally great" I said before Jade could even yell 'no one likes you' like she always does when Trina talks "well let's all relax and watch TV now" Cat suggests then we all sat down Trina all the way on the left side of the couch, with me right next to her, Andre on my right, next to Beck, Jade was on the other side of Beck, next to Cat, and Robbie was all the way on the right with Rex.

Trina's P.O.V.
I turned on the TV and the channel just happened to be on a commercial about the talent show at Karaoke Dokie "remember folks tomorrow night we will be having a talent show where Tori Vega will tap dance, Andre Harris will sing and dance a love song, Jade West will sing her own original song called Chicago, Beck Oliver will improv a funny monologue, Cat Valentine will reanact her favorite scene from the Scissoring, Robbie Shapiro will play a song on his piano, and Trina Vega will sing her own original song called Make it Shine" the father of one of the North Ridge girls Tori once beat in a karaoke competition at Karaoke Dokie said "WHAT?!" Everyone except me yelled confused and angry but all I said was "yay I finally get to sing Make it Shine" "TRINA I'M SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!" Tori yelled "yeah plus I don't want to sing Chicago or have Cat do my scissoring scene" Jade said rudely "well we can all do the stuff the guy said we would" I said "NO I DON'T WANT YOU RUINING MY SONG, MAKE IT SHINE HAS BEEN MY SONG SINCE I DID IT IN THE BIG SHOWCASE AND I DON'T WANT TO HAVE IT RUINED BY MY OLDER SISTER WHO HAS NO TALENT AT ALL ALSO JADE IS RIGHT NO ONE LIKES YOU TRINA AND YOU ARE THE WORST HUMAN BEING ALIVE, ALL YOU THINK ABOUT IS YOURSELF, AND I'VE WANTED TO SAY THIS FOR A LONG TIME BUT NEVER GOT THE COURAGE UNTIL NOW SO HOW ABOUT YOU JUST GO KILL YOUSELF OR SOMETHING!!!" Tori yelled each word hurting me more and more I just started crying a lot and ran upstairs after Tori finished saying what she wanted to.

Andre's P.O.V.
"Tori don't you think you went a little hard on Trina?" I asked "no she needed to know that before she sang Make it Shine tomorrow night at Karaoke Dokie and embarrassed herself" Tori said rolling her eyes "I don't think I'd even go that far Tori" Jade said grabbing her backpack and putting her arm around Beck's neck "let's go Beck" Jade says "ok" Beck says "I better go too" Robbie says "me too bye Tori and Andre" Cat says as she and Robbie grab their bags and leave "Tori I think you did go a little bit hard on Trina" I say "no Trina will be fine" Tori says "fine well I gotta go home too" I tell Tori as I grab my bag and leave as well.

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