Cat's brother

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Author's note: this takes place the night of the talent show and the night after Tori found Trina dead.

Cat's P.O.V.
"I'm so excited for our performances tonight" I texted all my friends in a group chat we created "yeah and I'm excited to see them and help with Make It Shine" Sam texted "my truck won't start" Beck texted "then how are we supposed to get to the talent show?" Tori asked "yeah your car is the only one big enough for all of us Beck" Robbie texted "my brother's car is big enough for all of us we could ask him to pick us all up" I texted "let's all meet up at Cat's house, it's close enough for me and Beck to walk to, the rest of you guys can drive there, and Cat's brother actually knows where it is" Tori suggested "yeah and we finally get to meet your brother Cat" Robbie said "yeah" I agreed then everyone met up at my house and I texted my brother asking if he could pick me and my friends up at my house which he agrees

Frankini's P.O.V.
I got out of my car to tell Cat and her friends I'm here "hey Cat" I said opening the door since Cat said I could and the door would be unlocked "hey Frankini" Cat said "your brother is THE Frankini?" Robbie asked "yeah after going to that mental hospital he became normal and became a famous social media influencer" Cat said "yeah like 'Cat said, Robbie right?" I said "yeah" Robbie said "Cat talks about you all the time, she's like so in love with you" I said then Robbie and Cat both just blushed a lot "is that true Cat?" Robbie asked "yeah..." Cat said "and don't worry I got arid of all the fake legs in my car so there's enough room in there for all of you guys" I explained then everyone gathered in my car and I drove everyone to the talent show.

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