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Deku POV

That knock scared both of us, I felt Kat bite my tongue as the knock was heard and the resulting vibration traveling through both of us. He didn't seem to realize he bit my tongue however, and I slowly crept us both to my bed. He stood beside it confused about what I was doing before I climbed in the bed quietly, laid down, and got under the blankets. The person knocked again startling Kat, as I moved around in the bed making as much noise as I could before getting up and going to the door.

Kat crept into the bathroom and hid in there while I answered the door while putting on my facade. "W-Who is it?" I said in my fake voice faking like I sounded tired and just awoke. On the other side of the door was Aizawa with an almost angry look on his face, "Problem child." Quickly I straightened and wiped my eyes again, "Your classmates can't seem to find Bakugou and you saw him last. Where is he, where did he go, why did he chase you, and why did he fight you earlier." These questions were not questions but statements. He wanted answers and he would get them so I moved from the doorway and he entered the room. After he entered I quickly closed and locked the door.

Aizawa stood in the center of the room with his arms crossed and I sat at my desk that was beside the door. All he did was stare at me so I sighed. "Um, Kachan was hiding in an alley when I found him. He chased me because I was annoying him with questions about his quirk." I glanced at the bathroom and faintly saw one of Kat's eyes through the crack between the door and the door frame. He seemed nervous and slightly scared. Aizawa gave a small grunt, wanting to know where Kat is now. I sighed and reluctantly answered his question, "He's here. Come on out Kachan." I saw his eye flicker before it disappeared and then he left the bathroom and carefully walked out. Aizawa watched him curious, immediately noticing how calm can carefully he walked out.

Aizawa's POV (surprise!)

Bakugou came out of a dark corner of the room, where the bathroom is normally located in one of the dorms. He moved slowly and carefully around me and went straight for problem child. He opened his arms to Bakugou who quickly, and shockingly, sat on his lap without facing me with his arms around problem child's neck, problem child hugging around Bakugou's waist. The problem children hugged each other tightly and Bakugou turned around to face me but remained on Midoriya's lap, "T-The LOV...What if they take me again?" The amount of fear and sadness in his voice surprised me, normally you only hear the anger. Kneeling in front of the two problem children I put a hand on Bakugou's shoulder, "They won't. I will ensure that Bakugou."

His red eyes had pale tears coming from them, red marks sat under his eyes where the tears had flowed before. His eyes said he didn't believe me, that he himself thought he was a better villain than hero. "Bakugou please tell me everything. I won't go to the other teacher or Nezu yet, but I need to know what's going on." Izuku stood and I followed him to the bed where he sat down with Katsuki still clinging to him. I sat on the edge of the bed and Katsuki nodded as he wiped a couple of tears. "I-In my house my mom i-is very aggressive. Sometimes i-it gets to me, and I...I doubt myself." He sniffled and I scooted closer to them. "U-Um I've always thought that yelling a-and insults are h-h-how to show someone you care about them. D-Deku told me that th-that's wrong." His crying picked up a little bit and I got closer.

"I-I'm so sorry Mr. Aizawa! I-I-I thought that the w-way I was behaving w-was how you're supposed to!" His crying picked up even quicker and both Izuku and I hugged him tightly. These students are like my own children but I didn't think Katsuki would be insecure like this. I could feel Katsuki holding my shirt and scarf tightly, he probably needs an adults affection more than I thought. For fear of his knuckles turning white and him making himself bleed I grabbed his hands and made him let go of me but I kept his hands in mine, "Katsuki I need you to be honest with me alright." He took a couple breaths before nodding slowly.

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