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Aizawa's POV

How in the hell did he get pictures of me and Mic!? "Wait you have dirt on everyone? All of us too?" Mina asked confused. The others starting mumbling and Midoriya nodded with a chuckle as he twirled the staff. "Yep! It's a hobby to collect all the information about people I can. I even have info on the LOV." He had a smug look on his face, I could tell without even seeing his face. "Well wanna share that info anytime soon Midobro? It might help stop those attacks." Kaminari spoke. I saw Bakugou flinch slightly, what does he know? Midoriya continued spinning the staff but he remained silent. "A lot of it is very sensitive information. It would probably make a couple of you cry, of sadness or joy I don't know."

"What do you mean by that?" I finally spoke, quieting the other students. Midoriya turned around so only I could see his face. "Old friends, family, I know who all the LOV are and used to be." He mouthed to me quickly, "I'll tell you later." The bell rang and Midoriya folded the staff before lightly throwing it to Bakugou. "Alright problem children, get ready for some more training." They all groaned but Bakugou looked a bit excited. I suppose he wanted to compliment his classmates or help them, maybe he wanted to show off or ask for help.


I stood against a wall watching everyone train hard. Bakugou was with his squad and all of them were smiling brightly. Midoriya was sitting on the ground next to me in the shade staring at the dirt. "Are you explaining now or pouting?" He looked up at me for a moment before he stood up and turned his head away, "Yeah, just getting my thoughts in order sorry." I rested a hand on his shoulder as a form of hug, "I was only teasing kid. Take your time but don't fail your classes." He chuckled back and looked at me with a smile. I noticed his eyes were darker colored and his voice was different. "Thank you. I wanted to tell you before I told Todoroki, just in case, but you know Touya right?" I removed my hand and crossed my arms, watching the class, "Yeah. The missing Todoroki that was presumed dead right?"

I saw Midoriya nod out of the corner of my eye, "Yep that one. Well you see, Dabi is actually Touya. He dyed his hair and uses an alias. His goal is to kill Endevore, for the abuse and trauma he and all his siblings went through." We both remained quiet while I processed what he said. "So...does anyone else have someone they know in the LOV?" I didn't dare look at him. I could feel his eyes on me and they held a sadness in them. He whispered something and I stood straight up and staired at him. "W...What?" He looked towards his classmates with a pained look, "I'm the traitor. I'm sorry Aizawa I never wanted this to turn out like it has. It's just what I needed to do to survive." I stared at him harder, "Why?" If I didn't keep staring at him, or at this point glaring, I think I would cry.

He kept quiet before he looked at me with tears in his eyes, "All for One is my dad. I don't even remember what he looked like because he left before I was born. If I don't listen to him I'll be killed but I want to kill him, I want everyone to be equal. No more of this villain or hero bullshit!" As he continued he steadilly grew louder. Before he drew anyones attention, there's probably a reason he doesn't use this voice or talk this way, I hugged him. We both fell to the ground as he held tightly onto my scarf scream crying. Bakugou quickly flew over here using his quirk and hugged Midoriya as well, "I know. I know. I'm sorry." So that's why he flinched earlier.

Bakugou took my place hugging Midoriya as I stood up and told the class to continue training. They were resistant until I activated my quirk. As soon as I did they all went back to training and I sat on the ground hugging the two boys. My own tears started falling but I didn't care, "It's alright Midoriya. We'll keep this secret alright? I can't have one of my favorites going to jail or dieing anytime soon." He started to laugh weakly, "hehe *sniff* Yeah you're right. *sniff* Thank you Dadzawa." In an effort to cheer them up I smiled goofily, "Anytime son! Or would you prefer "My Boy!" like All Might?" He laughed more and Bakugou joined him. 

Mina's POV (Mama Mina is here y'all!)

I watched the three of them with worry and curiosity. I had the urge to hug them, the babies looked like they needed them. Luckily Aizawa and Bakubabe were hugging Izu-kun. I enjoied this version of Bakubabe but I knew this was really him. I would see moments of conflict on his face and he'd ask me what he was supposed to do. He also trusted me alone with the info that he wasn't hit with a quirk. He had explained to me that he just didn't know how to act, and I could see that. When he was acting agressive I saw the conflict on his face and he'd look at me. Back then I didn't know why but now I can see he was asking for help. I suppose Izu-kun was right, Bakubabe may not act it but his eyes hold innocence and fear.

They all finally stood up and continued talking I saw Bakubabe point at me and the others looked to me. I waved and cocked my head and Bakubabe waved back before signaling me over. I quickly joged over to them, "Hey guys what's up!" Bakubabe hugged me when I got close enough for him to do so and I hugged him back. "Bakugou said you knew the condition of his "quirk" so we need you to protect him." Aizawa spoke gently. I nodded as I looked at him, Bakubabe still hugging me, "Of cource! Bakubabe worst case you can act aggrssive again but I'll try to prevent that from happening!" He nodded happily, "Thank you." Izu-kun chuckled lightly and Aizawa went back to watching everyone else.

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