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"Hey, how's Lisa?" Jisoo approaches me while I'm eating my lunch.

I had a rough morning; there were lots and lots of patients coming in the ER where I am currently assigned. The place was like a war zone. Adrenaline washed over me earlier that I even had no chance to sit down ever since I came to work this morning.

I took a bite of my sandwich first before replying because I am so so hungry.

"She is fine. Camila is taking care of her."

Jisoo's eyes suddenly went wide.

"Camila? As in Camila Cabello?"

"Yes. Is she your cousin too? Wait, didn't you know?" I ask then I reach out for my bottled water on the table and drink it.

"Technically, no. We're not cousins. Camila came from Lisa's step father's side of the family but we kind of grew up close together... They didn't even tell me. Those sneaky bitches!!!" She irritatedly said and furrows her eyebrows.

"Oh, okay. I get it. You should visit her then. I think I heard that she is staying at Lisa's penthouse apartment."

"Well, she was early. She usually comes for Lisa's birthday, now I wonder why-"

"Lisa's birthday? When is her birthday?" I ask and Jisoo stares at me in disbelief.

"You mean you don't know? I thought you two were close? You don't know the birthday of your best friend-slash-roommate? Ugh!!! Unbelievable! Lisa's birthday is very very important Jennie." Then she made a 'tsk' sound so I cross my arms.

"How will I suppose to know that? She didn't even tell me. And we've just known each other for like, what? 8 months?"

"Well, you should have asked her before. Anyway, Her birthday will be next month, 27th of March and her parents are already preparing for that. It is a very grand celebration, you know. Very grand, I'm telling you. It is a formal event that requires invitation and stuff. If you haven't received one, well, too bad. Usually, a lot of important people get invites. Politicians, businessman, actors, actresses alike; and all of our relatives around the world fly here just for this event. It happens every year; it's like a grand reunion or something." She explained and I just stare at her with an open mouth because it sounds so mind blowing.

"Woah! Yeah, that sounds really grand." I fidget in my seat, as I realized that I'm going to meet every relative of Lisa in a month.

Then I remembered Camila Cabello, she has a strong aura that I don't want to mess with. She was nice but I think that we won't be able to get along. Well, at least for me, she was scary. I can't even look at her in the eye. She has this strong personality surrounding her that makes me nervous. And yeah, she is also gorgeous and not-to-mention famous. Like really famous.

Havana oh na na... my brain sing. That's one of her iconic song, chart topper and I can't believe that I got to meet her personally in an unexpected way.

"Hey, you zoned out. What are you thinking?" Jisoo pats me on my shoulder.

"Huh? Nothing." I shake my head.

"Okay, if you say so. Anyway, I'll just call Lisa later. I really miss that Camila bitch." Then she stands up and about to take a leave.

"And oh, FYI is Lisa is Camila's prodigy. She really looks up to her. I can say that Camila is an older version of Lisa and Lisa is the younger version of Camila, you get my point?"

Between Shades of GrayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora