Jungkook 2.1

281 3 0

King AU
Cinderella inspired

I'm in my small cottage, minding my own business, when I here peep chattering outside. Looking out at the village, from my window, they surround the message board. The message board is a bulletin board, with messages for the villagers.
There are two. One is from the villagers, for the villagers. Flyers, job ads, etc.  The second one, is ads from nobles farther in the kingdom, and the royal palace itself. And they are surrounding the royal palace board.
I approach quietly, waiting for people to disperse. When they finally do, I see a new paper. I read it.

Hello! You are formally invited to the Masquerade at the Palace! This weekend at 8 sharp. It is mandatory to attend, unless disabled, sick, or unavailable.

I smile. An offer like this is one of a kind! The king was known as cold and ruthless man. However, many adored him. He still provided for his kingdom, he was powerful, rich, and on top of that, he was the most handsome. But that wasnt what I was interested in. His palace is rumored to be beautiful and ethereal. Especially the gardens! I just hope I can sneak out to see them!
I do have a dress and a mask, they belonged to my mother. I do have the problem of a carriage. I can't go with anyone really, since I'm not friends with anyone in the village. I head home, grabbing bag of coins, and rush to the carriage rental, before everyone else gets one.
I turn to old man Yang.
"Can I please rent a carriage and horses for the ball this weekend?" I ask.
"Lucky you." He smiles. "We happen to have one left. It is a little more expensive, but perfect."
"How much?" I ask. "And may I see?" 
"20 coins." He says. I almost choke.
"How about a single horse?" I ask. "The best here." 
"That would be 3 coins." I smile.
I hand him the payment, and he takes me to the stables. He shows me the horse, a beautiful pure white stallion.
"His name is Ace." He smiles, rubbing his mane. "Pay an extra two coins, I can bring him to your cottage before the ball."
I hand him the coins, and he waves as I leave. I sigh in relief.
I hope this goes well. 

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