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The explanation made sense, so I couldn't say much considering I'm the reason he will be in danger now if it's ever found out I went to him. "Now you should rest." said Liam "Can I sleep with you?" I asked staring at him, he looked at me annoyed "Like you have a choice, you need to stay where I can watch you and make sure you don't run off to the cops, or my boss." he said angrily as he walked over grabbed my hand and pulled me along "Ow, it hurts, stop pulling." I said but he ignored me "David, burn those clothes." said Liam "Burn, not just throw away?" asked David "Did I stutter." he said "No, I understand." said David as he headed into the bathroom. I was dragged into Liam's room and he shut the door and locked it and pulled me over to the bed then pushed me causing me to fall face first onto the bed "Ouch, why are you being so rough." I said. He walked over to the balcony and closed the curtains, double checked the lock on the door then he got into bed opposite me, ignoring me.

I managed to get under the blankets and onto my back, meanwhile Liam turned the lights off with his light remote. "He drugged you twice." said Liam "First was Seth, I was too careless and something was in my coffee and the pastries. Second time was when you were sent away, that jerk injected me with something. I've no idea what either drugs were." I said as tears escaped my eyes again. I looked at my vein on my right arm where the puncture was visible causing me to get more upset, and at that moment Liam rolled over and covered it with his hand. "Don't look at it, it'll just make you more upset." he said looking at me "Why do you care, your one of them." I said trying to pull my arm away and roll over the other way but he refused to release his grip. He let go for a moment, and that moment I felt his lips touch my puncture mark. Making me embarrassed all of a sudden "No, stop that it feels weird." I gasped and he pulled away repositioning his hand on my mark. "I've never seen him do so although I know he has, most likely because he knows I would stop him, the use of drugs are not okay with me." he said.

"That doesn't make you any better." I said "Your right." he agreed, after that he went quiet and I felt at ease finally, so I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up, I had expected to be alone in bed but Liam was sitting up next to me. I tried to sit up too quickly so it hurt "Already trying to make yourself worse" he asked as he turned to me. I looked away from him "We have to change your bandages tonight, I need to get ready for work now" he said as he went to get up but I grabbed him. "Don't hurt any more students." I said desperately and he turned to me "Are you stupid?" he asked "You can't." I said and all of a sudden with his quick movement and sudden pain in my body I was pinned with my hands above my head and him on top of me. "You seem to forget your place, your just like a hostage. You can't order me around especially in your condition. Don't test me, just because your not bound by rope, doesn't mean your free. You can't leave this house anymore, no more school, no nothing. Your going to listen to me and that's that." said Liam angrily.

"Ow, it hurts. But, it's kind of hot, and exciting." I said through the pain. "Don't get any wild ideas, I won't be touching you." he said as he let me go and got up. I wasn't going to get up for a bit still so I just layed there until David came in with some food. "Some food for you Skye." he said placing it on the bed beside me "How are you feeling?" he asked and I struggled to sit up so he gave me a hand, being as gentle as possible. "I am pathetic, a failure, and now a hostage again." I said "That seems to be the case." said David "That's all you have to say." I asked expecting him to be shocked. "It's been explained to me, but it's unusual behavior for sure." said David. "Wow, so I guess that means you won't let me leave then." I said. "You guessed right, your such a smart girl." he said "I have free reign of the house then?" I asked "Correct." he agreed. "You can leave then." I said as I grabbed my food "Also balcony won't work he activated the skeleton lock." said David as he left the room.

I was hungry so I ate my food and just relaxed most of the day because I was in pain still. I settled for watching some tv. I must have dozed off while watching tv cause I woke up with a blanket on and it was already evening. I looked around to see if it was Liam that covered me but it didn't seem like it. I got up and slowly made my way downstairs and I found David in the kitchen. I looked in the cupboards and found a bottle of rum, but as soon as I pulled it out David grabbed it away from me. "Your not allowed to drink" he said "C'mon our secret." I said trying to reach it but I overdid it and caused myself pain causing me to grab the counter. "No can do, he activated the house surveillance system." said David as he put the run on a high shelf I definitely couldn't reach even if I tried. "Your killing me." I said "Correction, your doing it to yourself and if your not careful it may be Liam that does the killing." said David "If I was healthy I wouldn't have to deal with this kind of bullshit!" I said angrily "Calm down before you hurt yourself more." said David.

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