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Once I was at 100% I was going to leave this place and finish my job. I enjoyed Liam's company but I would have to make a decision in the long run. "I can't keep going like this, I have to make a decision." I said as I got out of bed and headed to the closet to get some clothes to wear. I pulled out a hoodie and some sweat pants and in the corner I noticed a box that normally wasn't there. I grabbed it and it was a locked case of sorts. "Hey David." I said as I headed downstairs "What is it Skye" he asked poking his head out from the kitchen doorway. "I need you to take me shopping." I said "You can't leave this house Miss Skye. Those are Liam's orders." he said as I walked past him into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. "This is a matter of life and death, you will take me shopping yes." I said as I held the knife up. "That knife won't scare me." he said approaching me "Okay, well how about this then?" I asked as I pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.

"I really like you but I need to go shopping, so that's what we are gonna do" I said with a smile "That gun. Why do you have it." asked David "I'll answer on the way so lets go okay." I said without hesitation and so he grabbed his keys and we headed out. "You have Liam's card right?" I asked "Yes." he said as we pulled out of the driveway. "Head to the mall, and don't even think about calling Liam, in fact hand your phone over for now." I said keeping the gun within his sight and so he handed his phone to me "Where did you get the gun?" he asked "The closet." I said "It's normally locked up." said David "I picked the lock, it was actually quite easy." I said. After about 10 minutes we arrived at the mall "Come in with me. I need to keep an eye on you." I said and so we got out and I put up my hood and tucked the gun in my pants.

"What exactly are you planning?" asked David as we went inside "I just need to do some shopping?" I said. I led him to a pharmacy and picked out some personals because my period was due in a couple days. "If that's all I could have gone and got you some when Liam returned home?" he said. "That's not all, but it is important and I prefer to buy it on my own." I said and we cashed out, next up I dragged him to the phone store to replace my phone "You shouldn't do this, Liam is gonna be pissed when he finds out." said David. 'You nag worse than my mother." I said before talking to the sales person and deciding on a phone to buy. Finally after picking one we left the phone store "Let's go back now." he said "Nope, now we go for clothes. I can't keep wearing his clothes they are big on me. With my situation, I am going to be taking my frustration out on shopping." I said as we continued shopping through many stores, and I got a mani-pedi for myself while watching David's fear rising over what money he's allowed me to spend.

I must've spent over 2000 dollars on everything I bought today, David's phone rang a couple times but I ignored it mostly until we left and began heading home. I finally answered the phone on speaker "David what the hell. How can you ignore me today, is she causing anymore trouble today?" asked Liam. I nodded my head at him hinting for him to talk. "About that, there's something you should know." said David "What is it?" asked Liam "Are you driving right now? You left her on her own!" shouted Liam and I couldn't hold my laughter back anymore so I burst out laughing. "She's with you?!" said Liam angrily "I had no choice." David started to say but I hung up the phone. "Stop at the liquor store before going home, I can't believe you tried ratting me out. I thought we bonded today." I said annoyed "As if, you dragged me around like a dog." said David. Later on when we arrived back at the house I put all my stuff away and began drinking without any care in the world and wandered into Liam's study.

"Skye stop drinking." said David trying to take the bottle from me but he had no luck and as soon as I could I tackled him to the ground. "How rude, here I am having a good time and your trying to ruin it on me. I think I'll just ruin you instead. That sounds like fun to me." I said "What are you talking about?" he asked "Oh you can't be that innocent Davey, I may not be your cup of tea but it will be fun to try. Besides I'm stuck here so why not take out all my frustration on you right here and now." I said holding the bottle one hand and forcing my weight on him using my other hand and my body. "I told you once before I'm not into women, and forcing yourself on me won't work like it did with Liam. Although you did shock him in doing so." he said. "I did didn't I? I'm known to be forceful at times especially when I'm sexually frustrated." I said taking another drink from the bottle.

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