"Sweet Melody Of Death's Doorbell"

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Hello everyone it's me again
꧁ The_FanfictionReader ꧂
Before I start all credit goes to the author and I do not own any pictures or the story.
This recommendation goes by the name of  "Sweet Melody Of Death's Doorbell"
This fanfiction is written by Rhykianna.
It has 13 chapters in total.

"Don't you dare follow me." He spat, blood trickling from his forehead and collecting around his chin. Those were the last words Katsuki Bakugou ever said to him.

Izuku was never one to play by the rules, especially when he was a year away for a guaranteed death. Izuku could take an explosion to the face, a harsh slam into a concrete wall, and the violent words of venom that leaked from his tongue, if it meant he could see Katsuki Bakugou's face one last time.

Rejecting someone who was at the Grim Reaper's doorstep? He could never, especially if that person had vibrant, green curls and the attention span of a goldfish.

This story is a Bakudeku Tragedy Fanfiction. It is rated mature but I haven't seen anything that should be rated mature or warned. I honestly didn't know it was a sick fic; didn't read the synopsis this time I just trusted the author since I've read their work before. It was really good it's a short read compared to the others I've read it ranges to about an hour. I was confused in the beginning but just stick with it and the book explains itself as you go on. I feel like it was a little bit of an abrupt ending but it worked well. It really pulled on my heart strings and I did cry but I'm just emotional. I also would have loved to know what happened after the characters death in the end instead of kinda leaving off on a tiny cliffhanger. Definitely on my favorites list.

Story Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/227653829?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=The_FanfictionReader&wp_originator=MmedwJOpV%2FhS6pxl%2F9PqUMGY9Tw306E2rBsQMB7hqjoWy34h8G04sTZSDmRc3z2lKEdvRLzwXYpP83d4o50Ghfe2FF2lgg1v6NCekD8oYGAs7dx1CWCv88VKd7W3BSzG

If you have any recommendations for me please don't hesitate to comment, and I'll try my best to read it and get back to you on it. I'm looking for ships like Tododeku, Kirideku, Kiribakudeku, or Bakukamideku. I need something other than Bakudeku on here (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ').

Thank you for reading
Love The_FanfictionReader( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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