the fifth tail

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Sabito pov
Today tanjiro just came and started to be trained by urokodaki and it was funny seeing his reaction to the training and I knew after a year and a half till I have to train tanjiro, so might as well watch his struggles because it's amusing.

Tanjiro pov
I notice a sad scent every time on urokodaki so I decided to ask him about it " urokodaki?" He turned to me and the smell becomes more intense " yes tanjiro?" I gulp but I had to know " why do you always have a sad smell on you?" I could tell that my question caused him to tense up before telling me to follow him. As we walked we came to a little lake with a peach tree there, I could tell it ment something to urokodaki " tanjiro" I turn to him while he continued to look forward " I once had a disciple who was like a son to me, he was kind, strong and cared for others before himself . One day there was no trace of him but his hoari that had blood covering it " he turned to me and staighted " he's been dead for 6 years but we couldn't let go" before he began to walk away I thought to myself ' No wonder urokodaki is so sad, he lost his son' before giving the place one last look before leaving.
Time skip
I have been training for a few months now, urokodaki is making the traps more dangerous each day while making me swing more, nezuko is still asleep and I'm getting worried though the training is intense like how urokodaki kicked me of the cliff into water and made me meditate in said water. A few weeks ago a doctor came over but he said she was perfectly fine and sometimes I fear I'll come back to find her dead but recently I have been carrying a sword and urokodaki has been teaching me what is breathing styles, a demons weakness and how to use a sword right, it's been almost a year since I got here but I notice the bedroom urokodaki spends the time he's not busy in and I saw how it looked, it didn't look like urokodaki's tastes but someone else then it came to me, it was urokodaki's son's room. As training went on the more tiring and dangerous it became but I managed it is almost a year and a half since I got here and nezuko still hasn't woke up so I kept working hard, I had to find a cure for nezuko so I kept working hard until...
"I have nothing more to teach you " '...huh?!?!' Urokodaki told me before telling me to slice the bolder in half before leaving, no matter how much I yelled for him he didn't respond though after that he didn't teach me again. So I did anything to I could to slice that bolder but it wasn't doing anything and I was being to lose hope when I heard a voice call out " silence!" To which I looked up seeing a male in a mask on top of the bolder " learn to be hiding your pain in silence" he then attacked me to which I blocked it but he kicked me away while calling me weak ,saying how I haven't learned anything while under the care of urokodaki and telling me to come at him to which I hesitate telling him he had a wooden sword while I had a real one to which he laughs. " thank you for your concern but who said you can land a bit on me!" Before racing towards me he was quick and strong I had to admit but he kept saying he will beat urokodaki's lessons into my bones while telling me to show him what I learned to which I tried to slash at him only for him to dodge and hit me under my chin to which I black out.

When I woke up it was dark and he was next to me but his scent was different earlier it was filled with annoyance, anger and sadness while now it was filled with pity, longing, sadness and worry " hey.." he called out softly, he acted like a whole new person so I jumped up and began telling him how he was incredible, fast and strong and if I could be like that to, to which he nodded and said " let's get to work " before telling me what I was doing wrong and my bad habits he also told me about total concentration and what it does but when we are physical he was merciless in his attacks and I couldn't even get a hit on him but as time went  on he told me he to was trained by urokodaki, those masks were made by urokodaki and how he was an orphan that was token in by urokodaki I could tell he loved him dearly he even said that he misses him though I don't understand why. He told me stances were may have to be in a certain way it didn't mean I could make it to my comfort to help use said form, it has been half a year since sabito trained me and today I will beat him. It seems today sabito brought out a real sword saying that who ever was quicker will win this fight . The fight was over in an instant because I got to sabito first and when his mask fell I saw his face for the first time and I smelt a scent I haven't smelt from him till now, he was glad for reason unkown to me but as a fog came and went I saw where my sword that hit sabito's mask actually hit the boulder I couldn't hit 6 months ago. When urokodaki saw what I did he admitted to not wanting to send me to the exam because before his son's death all his disciples past away in there and he couldn't take it but he said a deal was a deal and he let me.

Sabito pov
'It seems as though tanjiro will be going to the exam' As I watch him in a distance before he turned and saw me to which I wave and then left from his sight, as I ran I decided my next move ' how about some spider killing in 2 months '.

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