Chapter 1: Natsu Destroys Another City

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Rose's POV

Fairy Tail.

One of the most powerful guilds in Fiore, and maybe even the entire world.

But, OH BOY, do most of us act like drunk hyper active 6 years olds.

For example, currently me, my sister, and my friends are running aways from angry town villagers because SOMEONE, (cough, cough, NATSU, cough, cough), destroyed their village. But the worst part, is this is normal! Not that it's not absolutely fun, but I hate getting in trouble. Erza is probably planning a murder right now based on how her face looks. I look over and see Natsu carrying Lucy on his back as she yells at him. Awww, isn't true love precious! I got to tell Piper and Mirajane about this when we get back to the guild. That is, if we survive.

Oh, by the way, my name's Rose. Rose Heartfillia. Younger adopted sister of Lucy Heartfillia of Fairy Tail. And a Fairy Tail member myself. I know, pretty impressive.






As I snap back to reality, I look at Lucy, Natsu, Grey, Wendy, and Happy's faces. All petrified from the great Titania Erza's threat. Honestly, I'm a little scared myself even though I know she isn't talking to me. I suddenly realize that I now hear no noise whatsoever. I pause and turn around. "Hey guys!", I call to my frightened comrades. "Those angry villagers stopped chasing us, we can walk peacefully now back to Magnolia."

Everybody stops and turns around and also breathes a sigh of relief. "I wonder when they gave up,", Wendy wonders out loud. "Who knows,", I answer looking straight at her.

"You baka, stop destroying cities!! I need money to pay my rent!", Lucy says to Natsu as she tries to get off her back. She then suddenly yelps out in pain as she steps on the ground. "Whats's wrong?!?", Natsu asks worriedly while holding her up for support. "It think I sprained my foot or something," she answers.

Wendy goes over to look at her foot. "Yeah, looks like you did sprain it Lucy. When we get back to the guild I can heal it and you will be able to walk again in one or two days.", she says with a look of concern on her face.

"Damnit....", my older sister mutters under her breath. "Well,", Natsu says looking at her, "that means I'm carrying you." Her face then turns a bright shade of  red. "I can walk on my own, I'm fine, see!" She gets out of Natsu's strong grip and tries to take a step forward but instantly crumbles to the ground. Natsu hurriedly rushes over to pick her up and drapes her over his back much to her protest. "Lucy, you have an injured foot, I am carrying you and that's that." Lucy looked deep into his eyes and then after a second or two, agreed knowing that Natsu wouldn't allow her to argue with him. As we began walking again, I secretly took a photo of them to show and tell even more tea to MiraJane and Piper later.

By just looking at these two, I can see that they obviously really care about each other. I've literally seen them be through everything together, but they still seem to be clueless to each other for some reason. It just doesn't make sense to me. I silently try to use my magic to read Lucy and Natsu's minds.

Lucy's Thoughts:

Ughhhh, why did I have to sprain my stupid ankle. It's all stupid Natsu's fault probably. But then again, it does feel kinda nice laying my face on his back......

Natsu's Thoughts:

I really hope is Luce is okay. This is all my fault, if I hadn't gone overboard again Lucy would be able to walk right now. Why do I have to screw everything up? But then again, it is kinda nice to have Lucy lay on my back so comfortably.... Wait, is she asleep? Goddamnit, why is he so cute while she's asleep. Why is my face getting hot?? Am I sick??? Dangit, I though dragon slayers couldn't get sick! I'll just take some medicine when I get home.

Rose's POV

They are hopeless.

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