Chapter Nine

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Amir's P.O.V

My palms press flat against cedar doors. My head lowers to my chest. My eyes flutter shut. My brain plays out the happenings of only a minute ago. I should not have touched her, should not have cornered her as I did. And when I finally returned back to reality, looked upon her eyes so laden with horror, looked upon how her lip quivered, looked upon how she battled against her trembling body, I -for the first time in a very long while- felt a thing akin to guilty, akin to shame.

The scent of her horror and anxiety resonated so loudly I nearly choked. And for the first time in a long while, I resented that whiff of fear. What might have happened to her in the past? Who took from her? Did they toy and taint her innocence, perhaps? And I feel the anger burn against my flesh at the very thought. My palms fold into fists and battle against unspoken urges.

I push myself off of the walls, pinch the bridge of my nose, sigh a heavy sigh. I glide the doors open to find the soldier Zigla stationed by the walls -gleaming spear in hand.

“My prince, what may you seek?” his baritone resonates.
“Fetch me Silia.”
“Yes, my prince,” man speaks with a curt bow.

I shut the doors, feel as my fingers begin to tremble from the hunger that gnaws. I swallow, I fight against animalistic nature, tread towards the chaise and sit myself atop. The blackness threatens to corrupt the whites of my eyes. I can feel as the veins paint and erase on the sockets of each eye. I lean my head into the seat, gaze upon the candelabra that dangles by the high ceilings walls. And again, I find myself pondering.

I caused her some sort of pain -caused the resurfacing of old wounds best left buried and forgotten. Again, I swallow. Knuckles rap softly against wooden door and even before I can offer my response, the doors glide open. The scents of honey and lemon diffuse across the chamber and Silia clears her throat.

“My prince, you called for me,” her tone is soft, low, sultry even.

I move to gaze upon the lass; a redhead with hairs that tickle her shoulders and a petite frame. She dresses in thin robes of a golden hue, her feet sandaled and her ankles glimmering with little anklets. Her eyes twinkle seductively, her lips of a scarlet shade. And yet the fire in her that once excited me has now extinguished. She offers a smile, turns and slides the doors shut, looks upon me once more.

Oh, but I need to feed now before things get out of hand. ‘Tis why I called upon her, really. I rise upon my feet, tread lightly in her direction, stand and tower right before her. I cup her cheek, look her dead in the eye.

“You shalt forget that which you see, that which you feel, that which you encounter. “

I tilt her head ever so slightly and the fangs emerge. I sink teeth into flesh, sink them further into artery until I draw the scarlet. I taste, I sate appetite, I grip a tad bit tighter at her face as the glorious redness trickles down my throat. Then, I pull back, lick at the little blood that dribbles down one corner of my mouth. She comes to, blinks once, blinks severally, looks up upon me and smiles a smile of confusion.

“You may leave, Silia,” I speak with finality.

Oh, but the lass heeds not to my simple command. Instead she backs me to the chaise where I sit with a bounce. And her smile turns into knowing smirk as she pulls on the ropes of her robes. They pour down her body, pool around her feet. And all this she does with a confidence that almost astounds me. The woman is taking liberties.

“Are you sure, my prince? I may be able to aid you in a manner. And besides, I missed you, Prince Amir. I wondered when you’d call for me,” she cues then bites at her lower lip.
“I am in no mood to entertain or be entertained by you, Silia. Leave me.”

She does quite the opposite. She straddles me instead, takes my chin in her fingers, crashes her lips onto my own. Her kiss is one that is aggressive and her hands maneuver all over. Her hips gyrate, her moans begin to sound. And I grope her arse so firmly that her lips ultimately detach from mine in a gasp. I clench my jaws, narrow my eyes into slits. Yes, I am anything but pleased, anything but aroused.

“When I ask that you leave my presence, you leave my presence, Silia. Understand this?”

The confidence withers, the smirk drops and a frown paints. She nods her head and the fear begins to radiate. I nearly lose grip on my sanity at the very whiff of it.

“Use your words, servant.”
“Y…yes, my prince.”

And with that, I release my hold and she stumbles to her feet. Briskly, she reaches for her robes and carelessly slaps them on before exiting the chamber entirely. I sigh, I work to calm myself, I rise upon my feet. I match towards the bedside table, pour myself some wine, proceed for the doors of the balcony area where I stand and gaze into the empty nothingness of nightfall. I pad towards the railings where I clutch the steel metal for support.

I swirl the drink, tip glass, sip wine. Tonight nature remains active and noisy. In the distance, an owl hoots. The winds whistle against leaves of trees. Crickets continue to chirp animatedly. And I look to the east where hibiscus bushes tower around a small body of water. Again, I tip and sip, loving the exquisite taste that bursts inside my mouth. Then, I make out the figure of her as she stands by the banks of the little water body. The flimsy garment she has on glides against her skin as it falls to her feet.

She reaches for the long strings of hairs perched upon her head and ties them carelessly in a knot behind her head. And her little bangles and anklets and rings shimmer against the illuminations of proud moon. The blackness begins to return to my eyes much as I fight against it. I take notice of a marking plastered upon the small of her back -a branding of sorts, one of a pentagonal shape. My brows knit and my brain begins to bombard with queries and what ifs.

She submerges herself wholly with a splashing noises before her head pops from beneath the surface of the waters. She remains floating and the hairs of her head now untie and float all around her head like little serpents. She scoops the waters in her palms and pours it against her face. She smiles, flutters her eyes shut, just lays there. Never have I seen her appear so serene, so tranquil.

I chug the remnants of drink before turning and treading back into chamber. And thoughts of her begin to trample on my peace of mind. I sit atop soft cushion of chaise, lean into seat, flutter my eyes shut. The flute tumbles onto carpet floors. I feel the stiffness of my shaft as it pushes against my slacks. I swallow. It is going to be a long night…

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