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King Meso's P.O.V

I stir in the deathly grip of my slumber, draw in a sharp pain that spears so horribly at my chest. My eyes finally flutter open and I take in the sight of the peculiar chamber in which I am lain. I sit up, I rub at my temples to soothe the mild aching there, I scrutinize the vast bed until I come a sight so unsightly -the nudity of Princess Yemi draped in light silken sheets.

What have I done? What did we do? How did I come upon her and why do we lay in this compromising position? Have I betrayed my beloved? Did I do it with intent? With malice? With knowledge? Why can I not recall a single thing of what transpired between...between...the princess and I!

I draw away from her almost instantaneously, grab hold of my slacks, work to put them on. How did I end up here, in her chamber, naked! The realization comes to me. The slumber in which I partook was one coerced, not at all the natural death that comes to me at every hour of the morning. That only means she spiked my drink back in the dining arena without my knowledge.

She stirs, wakes and stretches her limbs, the nudity of her softly heaving chest coming into view and causing my heart to pang with disgust and disdain.
"Why am I here? Answer me!"
"Oh, King Meso. Do not grieve my heart in this manner. You surely weren't bellowing like that whilst we made love, now we're you?" She purrs as a smile curves on her smudged lips.

My palm shoots out to grip her upper arm and I draw her close whilst I lean my face towards hers. Her smile never fades, never falters. But neither does the poisonous glower I offer. It shouldn't take much effort to snap her little neck, now should it? But to act in such manner should warrant war between her kingdom and my own.
"How did I get here, Yemi?"

"Oh Meso, do not play that card. You already know how. I laced your wine with hypnotic poison," she finally reveals, "I am actually quite surprised you aren't dead with the amount I used on you. Anyway, I do have a commission for you, king," as she speaks, her smile fades and the humor drains from her features, a new stoicism taking its place.

"You dare lace my drink, take advantage of my vulnerability and make demands all under my own roof, you insolent little human? You dare take such liberties with me? Do you yearn for your death, perhaps?"

"See, that is the thing, my king. You cannot do a single thing about it other than to take heed to my instructions. I am no slave but a fellow royal. You listen and submit lest I tell every single person living under this castle and thus your rule how you took from me forcibly. Tell me. Whom do you think your beloved shalt believe? You or poor little me?"

I glare upon the lass as though she grew herself a new neck. Never have held such copious amounts of loathing towards a singular human, never! What I'd do to bring her demise right to her doorstep! And yet, it's as though my hands are tied up.
"What is it you seek, Yemi!"
"Do not use that tone with me, King Meso! And in regards to what I seek, I want you to execute someone on the grounds of theft and blasphemy against the king and his crown."

She -all too suddenly- pecks my mouth and I pull away from her, nearly spit at the grounds below. "Why would you have me do that?" I inquire through clenched teeth.

"Oh, my king. You shalt only be doing that to a servant, a mere slave rug. As for the reasons, they are for me to know and for you never to find out. I want her executed as soon as possible," she speaks with finality, lays back down with a single arm slithered and obscuring her chest, "of course, if you shan't carry out my orders, I shalt ensure to e sure carry out my end of the bargain, report to everyone how you fucked me on all fours. Any attempts to kill me will have my brother and the Quarim military wage war against Akhila. So, what shalt it be, king?"

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